Home Medicine From diabetes to stress reduction: Know the health benefits of betel leaves

From diabetes to stress reduction: Know the health benefits of betel leaves

by Universalwellnesssystems

Wouldn’t you love it if your favorite food turned out to be healthy? Well, this is the case with paan or betel leaves. This everyone’s personal favorite has many health benefits. Let’s take a look at them.

Betel leaf aka paan has been a part of Indian culture for centuries. This small but mighty leaf has captured the hearts and tastes of millions of Indians. From weddings to festivals, paan is an essential part of any celebration and appeals to young and old alike. But did you know that paan isn’t just a fun, flavorful leaf, it also has tons of health benefits? Yes, you read that right! From managing diabetes to relieving stress, this modest leaf has many medicinal benefits that work wonders for your health.

About 15 to 20 million people in India consume betel leaves each year, according to ResearchGate. This leaf is traditionally cultivated in his 55,000 hectares of land in India with an annual production of around Rs 90 crore. On average, about 66% of production is produced in West Bengal.

Betel leaf nutritional value

Betel leaf has anti-diabetic, cardiovascular, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, and anti-infective properties. Contains mcg of vitamin A, 13 micrograms of vitamin B1, and 0.63 to 0.89 micrograms of nicotinic acid.

Betel leaves are highly nutritious and should be part of your diet. Image credit: Shutterstock

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Health benefits of betel leaves

Let’s discuss the benefits of betel leaves and how paan can benefit your health.

1. Helps manage constipation

Betel leaf is believed to be a powerhouse of antioxidants that help maintain normal pH levels in the body and reduce stomach-related problems. Its use is especially beneficial in case of constipation. To ease stomach problems, crush the betel leaves and soak them in water overnight. After waking up in the morning, filter the water and drink it on an empty stomach.

2.Maintenance of oral health

Betel leaves contain many antibacterial properties that relieve bad breath, yellow teeth, plaque, and tooth decay. Chewing a small amount of a paste made from betel leaves after meals is beneficial for oral health. It also helps relieve toothache, gum pain, swelling, and oral infections. Celebrity nutritionist Shweta Shah says betel leaves have natural antiseptic properties that help prevent the growth of bacteria in the mouth and improve oral hygiene.

Keep bad breath away with parn leaves!Image credit: Shutterstock

3. Beneficial for respiratory system

Betel leaves are especially used in Ayurveda for the treatment of respiratory ailments such as cough, bronchitis and asthma.The compounds in the leaves relieve congestion and improve breathing.

4. Stress relief

Chewing betel leaves relieves stress and anxiety. It relaxes the body and mind, and the phenolic compounds in betel leaves release the organic compounds catecholamines from the body. Therefore, chewing betel leaves can help avoid frequent mood swings.

5. Control diabetes

Betel leaf has anti-hyperglycemic properties that help control sugar problems. Betel leaf prevents the amount of glucose in the blood from increasing. People with type 2 diabetes can benefit from chewing the leaves on an empty stomach in the morning.

Apart from this, betel leaves not only help promote hair growth and give volume, but they also have various benefits for your hair. Please try to get it.

Betel leaf improves hair health.Image credit: Shutterstock

How to take betel leaf?

For better results, betel leaves should be consumed in the following ways:

1. To control diabetes, it is recommended to chew betel leaves on an empty stomach in the morning.
2. You can eat plain or sweet bread when you are stressed. Its phenolic compounds help boost mood.
3. To relieve constipation, soak betel leaves in water overnight. Drinking this water in the morning after filtering will help relieve constipation.

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