Home Mental Health Former state supreme court chief justice pens book on mental health

Former state supreme court chief justice pens book on mental health

by Universalwellnesssystems

Former Chief Justice of the New Hampshire Supreme Court, John Broderick, has written a new book about what he calls his family’s very public and painful mental health journey. At an event held in Bookery, he spoke to tens of thousands of people in New England, mostly high school students, about the issue.He hoped the book would share the wisdom of those children. We don’t have a mental health system in America. Unless and until people talk about it, normalize it, remove the myths, remove the statements behind it, we will keep making the same mistakes. That’s why I wrote the book,” said Broderick.

Former Chief Justice of the New Hampshire Supreme Court, John Broderick, has written a new book about what he calls his family’s very public and painful mental health journey.

Broderick presented his book Back Roads and Highways: My Journey to Discovery on Mental Health at an event at The Bookery in Manchester on Saturday.

He has spoken to tens of thousands of people, mostly high school students, inside and outside New England on the issue.

He said he hopes the book will share the wisdom of those children.

“America has no mental health system. That’s why I wrote ,” said Broderick.

Anyone struggling with mental health issues can contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by calling 988. Phone he is open 24/7.

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