Home Nutrition Food Under a Bed, Stroller or Airplane Seat

Food Under a Bed, Stroller or Airplane Seat

by Universalwellnesssystems

Ask Rob: I left some food under my child’s sleeping stroller. Can I eat the food?

by rabbi Chaim Hillel Ruskin – Lob of Anash on Petah Tikvah

Chazal teaches that one should not keep food or drinks under the bed.1 The reason is halacha is the subject of debate between Rishonim.

Lanvin explains that there are concerns that harmful substances could be introduced into the product without the person being aware of it.2 But others explain it like this Ruaharaa (Evil spirits) are dependent on such food and this is why it is quoted in Shulchan Aruch.3 For this reason, this concern applies even if the food is sealed.Four A little bit poskim Although tolerant when it comes to raw foods, the Alter Rebbe does not differentiate between the two.Five

After the fact, what is the halacha of such food?Several poskim Thinking that the food might still be edible,6 It is prohibited for other people to keep the food and it must be disposed of to prevent accidental ingestion by others.7 Rebbe Rashab was strict and even debated whether it was okay to smoke cigarettes left under the bed.8

Are airplane seats and strollers considered “beds”?

Several poskim This problem applies only to suitable beds designated for sleeping, but, according to some, only to beds intended for adults.9 However, strollers are excluded.Ten moreover, poskim It is forgiving if the food is completely off the ground, such as under a seat on a plane or bus.11 It is allowed to put food under your pillow or in your pocket while sleeping.12

Conversely, it is dangerous to put food under a bed when no one is sleeping. Makrok between poskim. Some say that’s what the name for sleep brings. Ruaharaasome think it’s only a problem if someone is sleeping at the time, but it’s accepted practice.13

In fact, any food left under the sleeping person’s bed should be thrown away. However, if significant losses are involved, you should consult a professional. rob.

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from Weekly Farbrengen Written by Merkaz Anash

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