Home Mental Health Five things doctors say you should do to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder this winter

Five things doctors say you should do to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder this winter

by Universalwellnesssystems

Seasonal affective disorder was first diagnosed in the 1980s, when doctors and psychologists scrambled to better understand what happens in the winter to cause conditions like depression.

A dark, gray moon can have a big impact on our mood, but doctors share important advice(no credits)

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) was first diagnosed in the 1980s, and after decades of research, doctors agree on five key behaviors to help you get through the winter months.

Whether you've been diagnosed with SAD or not, many people are finding that months of snow, cold, and gray skies can affect their mental health. Clinic owner and therapist Jeanne Cross says, “Reduced exposure to sunlight and associated decreases in the “feel-good'' neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine can cause a “winter slump'' in your mood. It's not uncommon for that to happen.” It occurs naturally through exposure to sunlight. ”

“Some people may experience more symptoms of depression, such as changes in sleep, appetite, and motivation, as well as feelings of anxiety, such as irritability, irritability, and restlessness.”

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Another expert, Alyssa Roberts, says even a simple yoga or stretching routine can help.((Courtesy of Alyssa Roberts)

The Mirror spoke to more than a dozen medical experts and found that there are five tips that almost all of them suggested. These include getting better sleep, taking advantage of sunlight, exercising, drinking more water, and prioritizing self-care.

sleep is essential to mood

Mental health experts say the amount and quality of sleep can affect your mood. Maintaining a proper sleep schedule can help keep your mind healthy.

Dr. Jade Wu, Ph.D., Board Certified behavioral sleeping pills Experts suggest, “Ensure an ideal sleep environment (comfortable temperature, minimal noise, no lighting, etc.). Sleeping in a calming space can help keep stress levels low.” doing.

Experts suggest drinking lots of water, seeing the sun and getting more exercise(Getty Images)

Trent Carter, Nurse hardened nation“Keep your sleep and wake routine, meal times, and exercise times consistent, even on weekends. Remember that disrupted sleep patterns can worsen symptoms of depression. Please.”

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