Home Nutrition Five doctors on the supplements they swear by, from Vitamin D to lion’s mane | Health & wellbeing

Five doctors on the supplements they swear by, from Vitamin D to lion’s mane | Health & wellbeing

by Universalwellnesssystems

If you are taking medication, have been diagnosed with a health problem, or are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before taking any new supplements.

Vitamin D for energy boost

sunlight Cholesterol It’s converted under the skin into vitamin D, but in the UK climate, that’s not always enough. “In summer, when I go outside on my bare legs and upper arms, I get enough vitamin D right up until December (it’s fat-soluble so I can store it),” says Dr Jenny Goodman, a physician and fellow of the British Society of Ecological Medicine. She takes 2,000 international units (IU, equivalent to 50 micrograms) every night from October to April to strengthen her bones, and says:Brain Health, Reduce the risk of dementia [as shown by an Exeter University study] Supports the immune system.”

of The government recommends everyone Daily Supplements In the fall and winter, most people take 400 international units (equivalent to 10 mcg) of vitamin D per day, but some people need more, like GP Amina Hersi, MD, who takes a 1,000 IU supplement per day in the winter. 85% people’s Polycystic ovary syndrome “Because I have PCOS, I’m deficient in Vitamin D,” she says, “and because I have dark skin, I need more Vitamin D because my melanin blocks the sun’s UV rays.”

Dr Ravan Bhaskaran, a general practitioner who specialises in ADHD care, believes everyone over the age of eight should follow it: “I take 1,000 IU every day unless it’s summer vacation. If I forget, I feel depressed, anxious, my joints hurt and I feel tired.”

Omega-3 to prevent inflammation

A healthy diet is the best way to keep your body functioning at its best, but Hersi says: “Some people don’t get enough omega-3s from fish oils, found in oily fish such as salmon and mackerel, which can help prevent inflammation and regulate your menstrual cycle. Supports hormone productionShe founded her own brand, PolyBiotics, after becoming frustrated with the lack of supplements specifically for PCOS. She says: “Omega-6 is abundant in our diet as it is found in seed oils such as sunflower oil and eggs, but I supplement with omega-3 and eat ground flaxseed (high in fiber and omega-3) to balance it out and combat dry eyes, a side effect of PCOS.”

For Bhaskaran, the goal is to achieve the right concentrations of omega-3, 6 (good for brain and skin health), and 9 (known to lower LDL cholesterol). “Look to see if the product has a high omega-3 content, because too much omega-6 can promote inflammation,” he says.

Goodman adds: “Omega-6s get a bad rap because of the refined versions found in supermarket vegetable oils, but natural versions such as evening primrose oil are really good for your brain and skin.”

Magnesium for better sleep

Bhaskaran is a firm believer in magnesium: “I give magnesium intravenously to people with severe asthma attacks. I give magnesium to ADHD patients to help them sleep. I take magnesium after working out at the gym if I feel any pain, and before bed to relax my muscles and prepare them for sleep.”

Goodman, author of “Being Healthy in a Toxic Age,” out July 11, also extolled the mineral’s benefits. “Magnesium is one of 300 Enzyme reaction It is stored in the body and excreted in urine Stress“It’s essential for relaxing muscles, so tension can be a sign of a deficiency,” she says.

Taking magnesium relaxes the voluntary muscles (arms and legs) and the involuntary muscles (uterus, bladder, and bowels), she says. “Many of the women I see who suffer from severe period pain are deficient in not only magnesium but also B vitamins and vitamin E, and would benefit from taking evening primrose oil.”

Goodman recommends starting with food when it comes to magnesium: “Green leafy vegetables and most animal-based foods, such as meat, fish, dairy and eggs, are rich in magnesium.” She takes 250 milligrams (mg) of magnesium bisglycinate every night to relax muscles and improve sleep. “Another way to get magnesium is through Epsom salt baths,” she says.

Zinc for balance

Zinc may be a trace element (meaning you only need small amounts), but it’s essential for a healthy immune system and balanced blood sugar levels. Dr Zahran Alam, a GP who specialises in improving quality of life for older people, says he takes 5mg daily in the colder months to ward off winter illnesses.

“If you’re deficient in zinc, your cuts and scrapes will get worse,” Goodman said. Does not heal properly It can affect your sense of taste and smell. It can also stunt your child’s growth.”

the study Zinc is Reduces the severity of acne and Balances testosterone levelsHersi found that taking 30mg relieved her PCOS symptoms (the standard dose is 15-30mg). Not Exceeded 30mgHowever, taking too much zinc can deplete your copper, which can lead to skin problems, anemia, low white blood cell count, and thyroid problems. “Because the mineral acts throughout the body, an imbalance can cause symptoms of fatigue,” says Hirsch.

Vitamin B Complex for Energy

“Taking a B-complex vitamin every morning helps me feel awake and energized. Balances blood sugar levelsGoodman said that’s why most people with diabetes have low levels of vitamin B, which Liver detoxification enzymes“There are 12 B vitamins that naturally occur together,” she says, so the best way to get them is to take them in the form of, like, B Complex Not individually.

Be careful when choosing a brand, Goodman says: “Vitamins and minerals should be listed at the top of the ingredients list, so be wary of cheap commercial brands that have added synthetic substances like titanium dioxide, talc, sulfates, potassium sorbate, parabens and citric acid — these are additives, colors and fragrances.”

Dr. Soelle Roquedo, a general practitioner who specializes in hormones, discovered six years ago that she wasn’t properly methylating vitamins (the process that converts vitamins into their active form). She supplements with methylated B vitamins once a day. “It supports my body,” she says. Processes cortisolthe stress hormone, which helps with mood, energy levels and hormone balance.”

Enrich your iron intake

“I take iron supplements every other day because I have a heavy period and it makes me anemic,” says Hirsch. She avoids taking it every day because it increases side effects like abdominal pain and constipation. She says, “I always take it with something rich in vitamin C, like orange juice. Improves absorption.”

Photo: Tal Silverman/The Guardian. Styling: Leah Tierstein

Ashwagandha Combating Stress

“This is an herbal supplement that acts on the stress hormone cortisol,” says Roked, who takes a 500-milligram capsule daily. For people who have been found to have very high cortisol levels through genetic marker testing, or genetic mutation research, “this supplement helps to reduce it.” or “If it’s very low, it’s a mood booster. There’s solid anecdotal evidence that it helps with inflammatory markers. If you’re like me and your methylation is off, you don’t handle stress hormones very well. So I’ve found that ashwagandha helps with mood, focus, and sleep.”

Vitamin C for Immunity

We get vitamin C from raw fruits and vegetables (Cooking destroys nutrients) So, if you eat a tomato and lettuce salad every day, your level will improve, Goodman likes to top up his levels with supplements.“we More Vitamin C than Our Ancestors The pollutants we are exposed to stress“This depletes your body’s vitamin C levels,” says Goodman. The NHS recommends 40mg a day for adults, but Goodman says, “I always take 500mg with breakfast and 500mg with dinner in winter, but if I come into contact with someone with a cold I double or triple the amount. Vitamin C is water-soluble, so any excess you don’t need is excreted in the urine, so there’s no need to worry about taking in too much.”

Selenium to prevent colds

“Although we only need small amounts, many of us are deficient in selenium. Selenium is especially important for the Brazil nuts and various fishGoodman takes 100mcg daily for two to three months of the year in the winter or when someone she lives with has a cold. “It gives me that extra bit of protection. If you take too much, Nausea, diarrhea, hair lossAlthough it is very rare.”

Chromium for Sugar Balancing

“People with PCOS are at much higher risk of diabetes, so I take chromium to help balance my blood sugar levels,” says Hirsch, who takes 200mcg a day.

According to the EU, chromium improves blood sugar and carbohydrate metabolism, helping the body process carbohydrates, she adds. “Since taking chromium, I’ve found I’ve been able to control my sugar cravings better,” Hirschi adds. Chromium is also found in yeast, shellfish, and broccoli. “If you eat too much, it can lower your blood sugar and make you overeat,” she warns.

Ginkgo for improved concentration

“many American neuroscientist When you take ginkgo It has been shown to have neuroprotective effects. It helps you stay focused,” Bhaskaran said, noting that it would benefit people who: Experiencing brain fog It’s also been shown to help with fibromyalgia, ME, long Covid, menopause and fatigue caused by work stress. “I take it daily to reduce stress and support my heart health,” she added.

Lion’s Mane for an Energy Boost

Aram says, “I will take the lion’s mane. [derived from a type of mushroom] To Improves brain clutter and focus “You don’t get the spikes and crashes that you get with caffeine. I use it in adaptogen coffee form rather than a supplement. It gives you the same level of energy as coffee, but with less of a drop in energy.”

Garlic is good for your heart

The Mediterranean diet, rich in garlic and olive oil, and the benefits of this plant have been known for a long time. “Olive oil is Anti-inflammatory properties And garlic is Good for heart health“You can cook a lot and add garlic to your food, but I don’t, so I take it as an immunity boosting supplement to ward off coughs and colds.”

What about multivitamins?

Goodman says it’s always better to take individual supplements tailored to your needs. “The problem with all multivitamins is that they contain ingredients that may not be compatible,” she says. “For example, calcium reduces magnesium absorption, and copper reduces zinc absorption. Also, most multivitamins contain more vitamin A than you need, so there’s a chance of overdosing.”

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