Home Fitness Fitness trainer who has worked with celebrities like Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman shares his top tips to achieving a body like the stars

Fitness trainer who has worked with celebrities like Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman shares his top tips to achieving a body like the stars

by Universalwellnesssystems

Written by Lillian Gissen, Dailymail.Com

Updated December 28, 2023 16:53, December 28, 2023 17:38

The fitness trainer who has worked with stars like Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman, Britney Spears, and more shares top tips and 5 easy workouts you can do at home to achieve a body like your favorite celebrities. I shared it. You don't even have to step foot in the gym.

Sébastien Lagree, 50, originally from France and now living in Los Angeles, California, is a fan of Lagree, a popular “high-intensity, low-impact workout that focuses on core, strength, and muscular endurance training.” Founder of Fitness. By an array of A-listers.

This workout coach has opened more than 500 fitness studios around the world, introduced patented training methods, developed a full line of exercise machines and equipment, and has a large and loyal customer base. .

Along the way, he has worked with some of Hollywood's most elite, including Jennifer, Nicole, and Britney, as well as Sofia Vergara, Courteney Cox, and Laura Dern.

A fitness trainer who has worked with numerous stars including Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman shares her top tips for achieving a body similar to your favorite celebrities.
Sébastien Lagree, 50, is the founder of Lagree Fitness, “high-intensity, low-impact training focused on core, strength, and muscular endurance training.”I have seen him training clients.
Sébastien Lagree, 50, is the founder of Lagree Fitness, “high-intensity, low-impact training focused on core, strength, and muscular endurance training.”I saw him training another client.

The gym guru has revealed some of his star-studded clientele's secret ways to stay in shape exclusively to DailyMail.com.

According to Sebastian, it comes down to a few simple steps. It's about eating healthy, limiting portions and consuming in moderation, and combining nutritious meals with a workout routine that works for you.

His other advice includes switching from fast food and eating out to home-cooked meals, paying attention to the ingredients in processed foods, and avoiding those with additives and preservatives.

For those just starting their fitness journey, he recommended taking it easy and finding physical activities that you enjoy, rather than trying to force yourself to go to the gym every day to go from zero to 100. . It's a chore you'll never do in the long run.

The gym guru has revealed exclusively to DailyMail.com some of the secret ways his star-studded clients stay in shape and looking great.Jennifer is seen working out

He also recommended some exercises that you can easily do at home.

But most importantly, Sebastian told DailyMail.com, it all comes down to your mindset and discipline.

“I wish I could share why Jennifer Aniston looks so freakishly sexy, but the reality is, the reason Jen looks so sexy is because she's very disciplined, takes care of her body, and takes pride in it.” Because I have it,” he shared. “For her, it’s her vehicle, it’s part of her, it’s part of who she is.

“I'm always complaining that I have to lose weight, but I still keep shoving delicious croissants in my face.

“There's no denying that I love sweets. But if you're a celebrity, you'll say, 'Okay, I love this, but I won't eat it, because to me, looks are more important.' For me, it's important, but not that important.

“It's just a mindset, and that's what I've found in all the highly successful people I've trained, whether they're movie stars, athletes, CEOs of top companies. I think, you know, it’s a mindset.’ That really shapes them. ”

Celebrity fitness trainer Sebastian shares his top tips for getting a toned body.

Eat in moderation, limit portions, and fight the urge to overindulge on holidays

According to Sebastian, the first step to achieving a physique like your favorite star is to “eat in moderation and limit portions,” especially during the holidays.
“Many people overindulge during the holidays. They have the idea that they will burn out once the holidays are over, but in reality very few people do that,” he said.
“Many people overindulge during the holidays. They have the idea that they will burn out once the holidays are over, but in reality very few people do that,” he said.

According to Sebastian, the first step to achieving a physique like your favorite star is to “eat in moderation and limit portions,” especially during the holidays.

He explained that it's very common for people to stop dieting or “overeat” around Christmas and New Year's.

And while many people try to eat extra calories in the new year, realistically, most people won't, he added.

“Many people overindulge during the holidays. They have the idea that they will burn out once the holidays are over, but in reality very few people do that,” he said.

“We lose weight.” [during the holidays] And that pound stays there and does the same thing the next year.

“We're thinking, 'Let's eat on vacation and then burn out.'” And [next thing you know] You gained 50 pounds.

Avoid eating refined sugar and unhealthy processed foods with lots of additives and preservatives

In addition to how much you eat, what you consume is equally important.Sebastian stressed the importance of avoiding refined sugar and unhealthy “processed foods”
In addition to how much you eat, what you consume is equally important.Sebastian stressed the importance of avoiding refined sugar and unhealthy “processed foods”

In addition to how much you eat, what you consume is equally important. Sebastian stressed the importance of avoiding unhealthy “processed foods” that contain refined sugar and large amounts of “additives and preservatives.”

He also suggested replacing fast food and eating out with home-cooked meals.

“You should avoid refined sugar, processed foods, anything that comes in tubes, boxes or containers,” he told DailyMail.com readers.

He added: [ask yourself]if food can stay on the shelf for two years, do you really want to put it in your body?

'really have to do that [ask yourself]if food can be stored on the shelf for two years, do you really want to put it inside your body?

“I think people need to be more aware of what manufacturers are putting into their food.

“There's a lot of junk in America that's loaded with additives and preservatives. They're really bad.

'[Focus on] Make or prepare homemade foods and avoid frozen and microwaveable foods.

The fitness guru added that she understands that “healthy eating” is expensive and “not for everyone.”

But even though fast food was cheaper, he reminded us that we shouldn't make “unhealthy choices” to save money.

Find physical activities that you enjoy so that working out doesn't feel like a chore.

Eating a nutritious diet is certainly important to staying in shape, but as Sebastian explains, exercise is just as important, but that's only half the process.

Eating a nutritious diet is certainly important to staying in shape, but that's only half the process, as Sebastian explained that exercise is just as important.

“You're training, you're feeding. One is the king, the other is the queen. And together they build a beautiful kingdom,” he said. “You can't just do one or the other. You actually have to do both.”

Gym experts warned those just starting to train against trying to do too much at once, encouraging them to start small and gradually level up.

He suggested finding physical activities that come naturally to you and that you enjoy without feeling like a chore.

“A lot of people think they need to exercise for an hour every day. I understand, because that's how I train too. But in the beginning, you don't need to do that,” he explained.

“First, you need to find some activities that you want to do. If you just like walking, that's fine.

Gym experts advised those just starting their workout journey to start small and work their way up.
Gym experts advised those just starting their workout journey to start small and work their way up.

“Walking is much better than sitting on the couch. You have to find something you want to do.

“If you're going to do it every day, [you have to] I love doing that.Shouldn't feel like [a chore]. You have to find something that connects with you. ”

And if you know you're the type of person who “doesn't stick to things,” Sebastian suggested “inviting a friend over” to hold you accountable.

“Find someone you want to train with. The buddy system works perfectly,” he continued.

“For me, the machines I create and the systems I develop are [centered around] group fitness. Because I believe in the value of group training.

“Building friendships and creating a community makes it easier for people to continue training.” [when they’re doing it with someone else]. ”

There's no need to go to the gym to get in shape as there are plenty of easy workouts you can do at home.

Sebastian explained that there is no need to go to the gym to get in shape as there are many easy home workouts that can be done from the comfort of your residence.

Sebastian explained that there's no need to go to the gym to get in shape as there are plenty of easy home workouts you can do from the comfort of your home.

He recommended squats, lunges, planks, side planks, and push-ups.

'[Focus on] complex movements. Squats are a great exercise. And the rush is great,” he said.

“In fact, there are plenty of exercises you can do at home. Even just doing planks, push-ups, and side planks can give you a great workout.

“Planck is [key]if you only have a minute and need to choose one exercise, just choose the plank.

He recommended squats, lunges, planks, side planks, and push-ups.He has been spotted with his wife and two children

“Do a plank for a minute when you wake up every morning. It's amazing. It's a great way to condition your body for what's to come. [that day]. Planks have always been one of my favorite core exercises.

“For the lower body, I was doing squats and lunges. In fact, just doing one minute of each and keeping rotating them will give you great results.”

Additionally, he recommended doing “bridge exercises” to strengthen the back muscles.

“It also strengthens your pelvic area and your glutes. Don't be afraid to work your glutes. The glutes are very important to the overall function of your body,” he added.

“In a bridge, you basically lie on your back over your shoulders and raise your hips. Create a bridge with your shoulders, hips, and knees.

Finally, the trainer suggested that “as you get stronger” you could start incorporating “core rotation.”

“Rotating your trunk is good because it not only works your spinal muscles, but also your obliques, which I think is important as well,” he told DailyMail.com. “It also helps with coordination and range of motion.”

It's all a matter of mindset!Avoid procrastination and focus on your discipline

Finally, Sebastian said that it all depends on how you think and explained that the main reason why celebrities look so beautiful is because of their great determination and discipline.

Finally, Sebastian said it all depends on how you think and explained that the main reason why celebrities look so great is because of their great determination and discipline.

“Celebrities are like athletes, they're disciplined their whole life. They're very, very, very disciplined,” he revealed.

“Celebrities are like athletes, they're disciplined their whole life. They're very, very, very disciplined,” he revealed.

“It's part of their lifestyle. They've been doing this for decades, so they look great. They know what works for them. They train their bodies. I know.

His final tip? Avoid procrastination. Everyone is guilty from time to time, even he.

“If you stop procrastinating, you will have a stronger sense of self,” he concluded.

“When you know you have to do something, you just found a way to do it. The less you procrastinate, the more you work, the more active you are, the more you want to get things done.” It will become.”

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