Home Fitness Fitness Expert Reveals How to Break Out of a Weight Loss Plateau

Fitness Expert Reveals How to Break Out of a Weight Loss Plateau

by Universalwellnesssystems

Losing weight can be easy for some people and difficult for others. In some cases, you may have been losing weight steadily and then suddenly realize that you’re no longer losing weight. This is called a weight loss plateau, and it can be even more disheartening if you’re not reaching your weight loss goals. Luckily, there is a solution to this, but it’s important to find out why you hit a plateau in the first place. Sometimes the solution is simple, but sometimes it’s indicative of an underlying issue that needs to be addressed.

If you’re struggling to reach your goal weight, we asked nutritionists what you need to know to break through a weight loss plateau. Here’s everything you need to know.

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Why weight loss stalls

When you’re intentionally trying to lose weight, have you ever noticed that everything is going great and then all of a sudden, your progress stops? Your body is probably hitting a weight loss plateau. Before diving into solutions, it’s important to understand why this happens. Registered Dietitian, Salt and honey nutritionMaldeusch says there are lots of reasons why a plateau can occur. It could mean your body is adapting to your current habits and you need to make some changes. “What constitutes a plateau will vary from person to person, because everyone’s metabolism, diet, and exercise habits affect how quickly they lose weight,” Maldeusch says.

In some cases, you could lose too much, too quickly, and in an unsafe manner. Restricting calories too much“the result, Slows resting metabolic rate“That’s because your body tries to compensate for the dramatic reduction in calories,” Maldeusch says, “which can result in weight plateaus or even weight gain.”

If you menstruate, you should also pay attention to your menstrual cycle, as it can affect your weight. Maldeusch says that women may also experience weight loss plateaus during their menstrual cycle or around menopause due to hormonal fluctuations that affect water retention and metabolism.

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Another thing to consider is that your weight may be within a “set point” range. The set point theory suggests that our bodies have a weight that they are biologically designed to maintain, even if we try to lose or gain weight. There is not enough evidence to prove that the set point theory is completely correct, and Researchers would argue that this theory is too simplistic. Because the different stages our bodies go through can affect these factors.

How to Break a Weight Loss Plateau

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they hit a weight loss plateau is to continue to restrict their calorie intake. “This behavior doesn’t promote further weight loss and can lead to symptoms like fatigue, increased appetite, mood swings, weakened immunity and hair loss,” warns Maldeusch.

Instead, she suggests some better approaches to breaking out of a plateau: “Adjusting the type of physical activity you’re doing — such as incorporating cardio if you’ve only focused on weight training — and evaluating the stressors in your life and adopting habits that promote stress reduction can also help break through a weight-loss plateau,” she says. Focusing on stress reduction is beneficial because stress affects many hormones in the body. Chronic stress affects metabolic efficiency It works over time.

Additionally, Mardeusch recommends working with a nutritionist who can look at the nutrient distribution of your diet and determine a game plan for breaking out of your weight-loss plateau. “A nutritionist can help you identify what’s missing in your approach and put together a personalized plan with the right macronutrients and education so you understand how it all fits together,” she explains. Once you’ve reevaluated your strategy, she recommends waiting about a month to see if it’s working. This may be a little different depending on how fast or slow you were losing weight before the plateau.

Signs that your weight loss plateau may be something more serious

Weight loss plateaus can also indicate other underlying issues. For example, hormonal issues can cause weight loss plateaus. Symptoms that may be due to hormones include irritability, fatigue, muscle weakness, and hair loss. “These are also symptoms of someone who is nutritionally deficient due to calorie restriction,” says Mardeusch. If you’re not sure what’s causing your weight loss plateau, it can be helpful to get an expert opinion. Mardeusch recommends consulting a nutritionist or your doctor, who can help you make sure your eating habits are in line with other health goals you have.

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