Home Fitness Fitness After 40: How You Should Change Your Workout

Fitness After 40: How You Should Change Your Workout

by Universalwellnesssystems

Just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean you’ll be less active. Experts say the key to long-lasting fitness is envisioning the athlete you want to be 20, 30, or even 40 years from now and training smartly for that future today.

“If you dream of retiring and hiking the mountains of Hawaii, first and foremost, make it happen now,” says Kate Baird, an exercise physiologist at the New York Hospital for Special Surgery.

From the 30’s lose We lose about 3 to 8 percent of our muscle mass every 10 years, and even more after the age of 60. Bone density also begins to decline in middle age, increasing the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. VO2 max, the ability of the heart and lungs to take in oxygen and convert it to energy, will also decrease.

By changing a few habits early, you can slow these declines and transform them from the functional (like chasing grandkids or lifting loads) to the fun (like playing tennis or running a half marathon) over decades. It can prepare you for physical activity, Dr. Baird said. ).

Here’s how to get started, according to exercise scientists and trainers:

Grayson Wickham, a New York City physical therapist and creator of stretch and mobility app Movement Vault, says the best way to be positive about your future is to assess your current fitness. I’m here.

Four key areas to check are strength, stability, mobility and cardiorespiratory fitness, which typically decline with age, he said. “The human body is very resilient,” said Dr. Wickham. “But the double-edged sword is that we are so resilient that we can get away with a lot of things, until it becomes impossible.”

For a professional fitness assessment, please make an appointment with an exercise physiologist, physical therapist, or certified personal trainer. Each trainer works together to create an individual training program. Alternatively, you can test your fitness at home. online resources.

Dr. Wickham said testing your fitness can help you prevent injuries by shedding light on potential weaknesses or areas that need strengthening.

For example, if your stability is unstable, start doing balance-enhancing exercises such as: one leg stand and weight shift, or workouts like Tai Chi or Pilates. Or, if you’re less flexible than you think, start doing yoga or spend more time doing dynamic stretching.

The best way to measure your cardio fitness is to test your cardio. VO2 max Talk to your doctor or exercise physiologist, Baird said. Many wearable fitness trackers, including some Apple Watches and Fitbits, also provide an estimated VO2 max measurement.

“VO2 max is like your body’s overall functional capacity to do hard work,” she says, and regular cardio or HIIT workouts can help boost it.

As you get older, above all, you should strive to do 150 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous intensity cardio and 2 sessions of strength training (15-20 minutes per session). Combining these can improve both longevity and quality. of life.

But how you spend that time should be different from day to day or week to week, says Sarah Witkowski, an exercise physiologist and associate professor at Smith College.

“The body is great at adapting,” she says, but you need to “keep your body guessing” to maximize its benefits. Diversity is also good for heart health. blood pressure.

Even small changes can be beneficial, she added. If you usually do lunges, try doing lunges in different directions for a few days or combine them with overhead her dumbbells her press. If you like walking, choose a hill or walk as fast as you can once or twice a week.

Strength training can be a true source of youth if you approach it strategically. Amanda Thebe, a Canada-based personal trainer who specializes in coaching people over the age of 40, said that when you’re young, your motives are often aesthetic. But focusing only on isolated muscle groups, like the abs and biceps, often ignores the muscles we can build. I doubt it contributes to health and strength.

“There’s nothing wrong with doing bicep curls and deltoid raises if you want to energize yourself for the summer,” says Thebe. However, to balance these exercises, complex movements — Exercises that work multiple joints and muscles at the same time.

“It’s like a deadlift or a squat,” she said. “The things that move us up, down, side to side.” Prioritizing core muscles over visible abs also contributes to overall strength gains as we age. Planks are a great option, and pelvic floor muscle training can also help.

Finally, fitness platform physical therapist Lauren Lynas says, “You need progressive planning to maximize your benefits.” [P]rehabilitation. Continue to increase the weight you lift and the number of repetitions.

“Simple things don’t improve symptoms,” Dr. Linus says. She said the more she consciously challenges her body as she ages, the better prepared she will be for any physical feat her future self wants to take on.

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