Home Nutrition Fish oils and other supplements. Should we prioritize natural food over pills?

Fish oils and other supplements. Should we prioritize natural food over pills?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Fish oil supplements are popular among people concerned about their heart health, but new research is raising concerns about a possible link to the development of heart disease.

Experts are now speaking out and issuing warnings about supplements in general.

There are mixed results when it comes to taking fish oil supplements: British researchers found that people with no history of heart disease who regularly took omega-3 fatty acids had a 13% increased risk of atrial fibrillation and a 5% higher risk of stroke.

but study They also found that heart disease patients who took fish oil had a 15% lower risk of developing more serious heart disease.

Cardiologists say no studies so far have shown any significant benefits to the heart, and doctors are encouraging people to use food as medicine.

The same advice applies to many other supplements.

“What we really need are fruits and vegetables in their natural form, because that’s how your body can best absorb vitamins,” the internist said. Dr. Megan Mescher Cox In partnership with Dignity Health St. John’s Regional Medical Center.

She says our bodies can’t absorb all the nutrients in supplements, but they are still recommended for people with vitamin deficiencies.

“I take vitamin B because I have a vitamin B deficiency,” said Leticia Garcia, 61, of Ventura.

She recently became a vegan and no longer consumes any animal products, so her doctor has recommended she take vitamin B12 supplements.

“For people who are eating an entirely plant-based diet, I recommend taking a vitamin B12 supplement once or twice a week,” she said.

Mesher Cox said various symptoms of vitamin poisoning can include vomiting, body aches and irregular heartbeat.

Experts recommend checking the tolerable upper intake level (UL), which is the maximum daily amount of vitamins and minerals that you can consume without adverse health effects.

UL can be found on products and government websites, but doctors warn that the measurements may not be accurate.

“The actual active ingredients may vary from bottle to bottle,” Mescher Cox said.

Garcia no longer takes multivitamins.

“They told me it was a waste of money because most of it comes out in the urine,” she said.

“Save your money and don’t buy supplements. Instead, you can spend that money on fruits and vegetables,” says Mesher Cox.

She recommends eating a variety of foods and aiming for nine to 11 servings per day.

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