Home Mental Health First signs of gloomy winter weather can trigger seasonal depression, seasonal affective disorder

First signs of gloomy winter weather can trigger seasonal depression, seasonal affective disorder

by Universalwellnesssystems

Cold weather, decreased daylight hours, and seasonal changes can affect your overall mood and can lead to depression and seasonal affective disorder (also known as SAD), which affects approximately 11 million people annually across the United States.

Seasonal affective disorder begins with the first signs: autumn or winterIncluding lower temperatures and fewer hours of sunlight, We are approaching the time of year when the days are the shortest.

said Dr. John White, Chief Medical Officer of WebMD. It rains in the northeast Some people may be feeling the seasonal blues early this year.

“With all this rain in certain parts of the country, I’m not surprised that people are starting to feel depressed and depressed now, rather than weeks or months from now,” White said. Ta.

How to recognize Seasonal Affective Disorder as winter approaches

Doctors are still trying to understand all the components of SAD, including why some people suffer from it and others don’t. White said it’s likely caused by a hormonal imbalance. When people are exposed to less sunlight, melatonin levels are affected., On the other hand, it disturbs sleep, It causes other symptoms of seasonal depression.

“If you suffer from seasonal affective disorder. Your melatonin, serotonin, and cortisol levels are out of balance., “It changes your mood, making you feel tired, depressed, sad, losing weight, and losing interest in things,” White said.There’s a reason, Physiologically and in your brain, you are feeling these emotions. ”

It’s important to know that ‘winter blues’ may be a diagnosable seasonal affective disorder, And knowing the signs will help you fight negative emotions.

Loss of appetite, weight loss, general mood changes, sadness, and lack of sleep are all signs of seasonal depression. To find out if what you are experiencing is sad, There are online self-assessments that can help you identify that.

According to D’AMORE Health, about 5% of the population, or 1 in 50 people, suffers from the disease.eAsonal depression.

White said a healthy diet and exercise can go a long way in treating seasonal depression.

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“Physical activity releases endorphins, which always make you feel good, so that’s what makes you feel good in the first place,” White says.

Other treatments include using a light box to recreate sunlight, which produces the vitamin D your body needs.

“It’s not just walking into a room and turning on a light,” White said.

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by Yale University School of Medicine30 minutes of exposure to 10,000 lux of bright light before 8 a.m., seven days a week, can improve SAD symptoms in most patients.

Exposure to natural light, if possible, is also a treatment. This can sit for a short time on a sunny windowsill or outdoors.

“The key is sunlight, light that helps you cope with your mood,” White said.

On the other hand, some patients may require professional help in addition to the treatments listed above. A psychologist or psychiatrist can help determine a treatment plan and possible medications.

seasonal affective disorder It can also be caused by too much sunlight. Starting in the spring, nearly 2 million people experience summer blues when there are 10 to 12 hours of daylight. Most of these patients are near the equator and exhibit symptoms such as agitation and anxiety, loss of appetite, weight loss, sleep disturbances, and violent or explosive behavior.

Original article source: The first signs of dark winter weather can trigger seasonal depression, seasonal affective disorder

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