Home Medicine Female “Fake Doctor” Worked in State Hospital Over a Year to Please Her Family, is Arrested

Female “Fake Doctor” Worked in State Hospital Over a Year to Please Her Family, is Arrested

by Universalwellnesssystems

In Turkey, a high school freshman was arrested for a year after pretending to be a doctor. Her 20-year-old, Ayşe Özkiraz, is facing serious scrutiny for her behavior, especially since she has been in contact with patients and she was in charge of patient care.

Ozkiras told fellow doctors that he specialized in pediatrics, none of which was true. How was it discovered


high school graduate

Ozkiras got a job at the state hospital in Čerkezkoy, about 100 km from Istanbul, Turkey’s capital. Using false documents, he claimed that Ozkiras graduated from Istanbul University’s Chapa Medical College, which was not true. She wasn’t really a medical student or an intern, just a high school graduate.


suspicious behavior

Hospital staff eventually became suspicious of Ozkirus and what her actual qualifications were. Concerned about the situation, hospital staff called local law enforcement and searched Ozkiras’ home.


forged document

Police found fake college ID cards, doctor’s ID cards, and diplomas at Ozkiras’ home. They also found several other hospital ID cards, and medical/surgical uniforms and clothing. It is said that Ozkirus not only deceived the hospital, but also lied to his parents that he was a doctor.


under pressure

In a statement, Ozkiras explained her motives. “When I was in high school, my family wanted me to go to medical school.” she said“They believed in me and thought I could get good grades. In order not to lose her trust, I told my mother that I was my stepfather and brother-in-law. [had a place at] So that there are no problems at home, Capa Medical College. I prepared the documents and showed them to my family. “


long con

Despite her confession, Ozkiras’ mother Semra Arslan believes her daughter must be innocent. “My doctor was with me. She was taking pictures with my doctor. When we chatted on the video call, she was sitting in the room with the nurse. Are these all lies? We can’t understand anything!”

Arslan believes someone else was involved in the debacle and justice must be faced. “My kid would never try something like that,” she says. Ozkiras was charged with “opposing the law of medicine and medical practice.”

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