Home Mental Health Feeling stressed this week? A walk outside can help

Feeling stressed this week? A walk outside can help

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Regardless of your political persuasion, many people may be feeling stressed and anxious during election week in the United States.

Given how important stress relief is to our mental and physical health, CNN wellness expert Dr. Leena Wen offers some simple, affordable, science-based recommendations. I thought it would be helpful.

Wen is an emergency physician and adjunct associate professor at George Washington University. She previously served as the Baltimore City Health Commissioner.

CNN: Why is stress relief important for physical and mental health?

Dr. Liana Wen: When a person experiences stress, the body releases hormones that have a variety of effects. Your heart beats faster, your blood pressure and blood sugar levels rise, and blood flow and energy is diverted away from parts of your body, including your immune system. These don’t necessarily matter in the short term and can even help people in certain situations, such as athletes achieving better performance or workers completing difficult projects.

If the stress response continues, problems can occur. These include mental health concerns such as depression and anxiety. You may experience sleep disturbances, headaches, back pain, and decreased memory and concentration. And persistent stress is associated with increased rates of high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.

CNN: What symptoms alert a person to the need to relieve stress?

Wen: Some people may experience physiological symptoms such as a faster-than-normal heartbeat, headache, or abdominal pain. You may become irritable and angry easily. It may be difficult to sleep or concentrate on work. These are all indicators that you need to take action to reduce your stress levels.

CNN: You’ve said that walking outside reduces stress. What evidence is there?

Wen: In fact, there’s a lot of evidence that getting outdoors, especially being surrounded by nature, can have many beneficial effects on your health. Specifically, there is the act of immersing yourself in nature called forest bathing. This is not an actual bath. Rather, spend time in nature through activities like taking a leisurely walk or just sitting and enjoying your surroundings.

This custom has its roots in Japan, where it is called forest bathing. There are many studies on “forest therapy” that show the benefits of spending time in nature. anxiety reduction and improve mood. can lower blood pressureaids sleep, and even strengthens immune system function. Researchers have found that being in nature reduces stress hormones, It lowers blood pressure and heart rate and reverses the effects of stress on the immune, endocrine, gastrointestinal, and other body systems.

CNN: Should people exercise outdoors, or is just being in nature enough?

Wen: The study of forest bathing involves simply getting outside and immersing yourself in nature. This activity alone seems to have a positive effect on physical and mental health.

Of course, exercise also reduces stress. It works to reduce stress hormones in the body while stimulating the production of endorphins, which can help improve people’s sense of well-being. something short like 10 minutes walk Reduces fatigue, improves concentration and induces positive emotions.

CNN: What activities should you engage in to maximize stress relief?

Wen: I start by asking what the person has done in the past to reduce stress. Some people like strenuous exercise. Some people may enjoy a leisurely, leisurely walk, even though it can be daunting. Similarly, some people like being around other people and want to find friends to walk and talk with, while others feel most at ease being alone.

There are three other things to keep in mind. First, being in nature seems to benefit your health in some way. Try to get outside as much as possible. Find a green space. Forests are ideal, but parks and spaces with trees and grass can also be effective. Remember that forest bathing is a mindfulness practice. Now is not the time to be doomscrolling on your phone with your headphones on full blast. Rather, take the time to smell the air, look around, and listen to the sounds of nature. Similar to mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises can also further enhance the experience.

Second, don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. You may not be able to hit your favorite path for a walk, but there’s a park near your office where you can walk and have lunch on a bench. You may not be able to go out much. We can deliver the natural effects as they are. a Study abroad from Australia During the coronavirus pandemic, people who could see trees and grass from their apartments were found to be more mentally resilient than those who couldn’t see them. Even if you don’t go outside much during the day, find a green landscape and go for a walk whenever possible.

Third, knowing what not to rely on is just as important as knowing what will help. Alcohol, tobacco, and drugs may reduce stress in the short term, but they are useless in the long term, and of course can cause many other health problems in the future.

CNN: What are the signs that people may need additional help with stress relief?

Wen: Self-medicating or resorting to binge drinking or drugs to cope with stress indicates the need for additional medical help. Another sign is attacking others or losing interest in activities you normally enjoy. If you are struggling, talk to your GP or mental health professional.

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