Home Medicine Federal Court: Doctors have right to dispense Ivermectin | Malaysia

Federal Court: Doctors have right to dispense Ivermectin | Malaysia

by Universalwellnesssystems

The Kuala Lumpur federal court upheld the appeals court’s ruling and gave doctors the right to distribute ivermectin to patients, the New Straits Era reported.

When denying the appeal regarding the Ministry of Health’s lawsuit, Tong Tungk Maimun Tuan Mat said that Ivermectin was classified as Group B poison and that registered practitioners could sell, supply or manage it for treatment.

In August 2023, three courts of appeals unanimously determined that registered practitioners could distribute ivermectin to patients only for medical purposes, in accordance with section 1952 and 1952 of Toxicology Regulations and Section 19 of Toxicology Regulations.

“This view is further enhanced by the fact that Section 21(2) of the Act contains the entire procedure relating to prescriptions and the fact that such poison (which is considered a drug therapy) is sold or supplied to the patient for the treatment of that patient.”

She said the federal court agreed to the submission of respondents under section 19 that they and all registered practitioners have been permitted to distribute ivermectin to patients for treatment.

The previous Court of Appeals was answered in response to two questions raised before the court in an appeal brought by the Malaysian Association for the Progressives of Functional and Interdisciplinary Medicine (MAAFIM) and Dr. Choi Amir Farid Che Isahak.

Questions include whether registered practitioners are entitled to distribute ivermectin as an ingredient to patients under the Toxicology Act of 1952 and the Toxicology Regulation 1952.

Another question raised was whether registered practitioners could distribute ivermectin to patients for the purpose of treating patients and as they comply with laws and regulations.

In March 2022, the High Court dismissed the doctor’s case, which was overturned the following year by the Court of Appeals. – March 3, 2025

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