Home Mental Health Famous Men Discuss Their Mental Health Struggles

Famous Men Discuss Their Mental Health Struggles

by Universalwellnesssystems

upon WTF with Marc Maron, Pete also said that getting the diagnosis was a very long process for him. He explained: “I’ve always been a pothead. Around October [or] September [in 2016], I started having a mental breakdown, panicked, and then didn’t remember what happened. Blind anger. I had never done any other drugs, so I thought, “Maybe I should go to rehab.” Maybe it will help. So I go and get out of the weeds. So they said, “You might have bipolar disorder,” and I thought, “Okay.” So they’re like, ‘Let’s try these drugs.’ ”

He said he started smoking marijuana again when he left rehab, and two months later he had a “sudden blackout” and a “really bad mental breakdown” and quit smoking again, but he still hadn’t quit after three months. explained. I feel like my mood has changed considerably. “One of my psychiatrists… [diagnosed me]. Before this big meltdown, he always said, ‘You’re probably bipolar or borderline, we’re going to have to figure that out. ”

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