Home Mental Health False claims about Biden’s mental health are once again flooding social media

False claims about Biden’s mental health are once again flooding social media

by Universalwellnesssystems

As the US presidential election approaches, a plethora of widely shared photos have been posted mocking President Joe Biden’s fitness to serve another term, usually in doctored or taken out of context.


Criticism of Joe Biden’s mental health and his age, 81, has dogged him throughout his presidency, with a flurry of accusations ahead of this year’s election that he was too old and demented to hold the presidency.

Many of these claims are supposedly backed up by video evidence of the US president behaving oddly, but they are usually manipulated or taken out of context.

For example, take a look at the video below, which appears to show Biden wandering off or appearing distracted at the G7 summit in June.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni will apparently have to escort him back to the rest of the group.

but, video It’s actually been cut short.

Full video makes it easy I found it on YouTubeRather than staring off into the distance, Biden is clearly watching and interacting with participants in the skydiving demonstration.

Other world leaders are also pulling in the same direction.

Did Biden fall asleep live on air?

In another incident, YouTube Shorts It claims to show Biden asleep during a live interview.

However, this is completely fabricated and is actually a splicing together of two unrelated videos.

One is from 2011, Eyewitness News interview Harry Belafonte is featured, and the actor and singer appears to be asleep.

At the time, Belafonte’s spokesman said he was not asleep but meditating and that his earphones were not working.

Meanwhile, Biden’s photo is actually 2020 Videos Hillary Clinton endorses him.

While Clinton was speaking, Biden often looked down and may have appeared to have his eyes closed at times, but there was no evidence he was sleeping.

False claims of D-Day anniversary

The 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings has sparked even more false speculation.

Several This video is Biden is seen trying to sit in a chair that doesn’t exist.

But overall, Unedited videoyou can see the chair at various points.

At the moment in question, he looks over his shoulder, pauses until the next speaker is announced, and then sits down.

Others claim that Another video Later in the ceremony, Biden is seen suddenly turning around and looking in the wrong direction.


This has led his wife Gilles, Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron to allegedly change their behaviour to protect him.

once again, Full Video Taken from a different angle, the photo shows Biden turning around to salute veterans as the famous military bugle sound “The Last Post” plays.

Biden’s doctor I said in February The president “remains fully capable of fulfilling his duties and assuming all responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations.”

There’s a legitimate debate about whether there should be an age limit for politicians to campaign, but it’s worth remembering that there’s no evidence that Biden, 81, is being hindered by his age.

It’s also worth noting that his biggest rival for the presidency, Donald Trump, is 78 years old, not far behind.


Either way, Europe will be closely watching the November elections, as the EU and individual European countries have strong ties to the US, not just through economic ties but also through NATO and mutual support for Ukraine against Russian aggression.

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