Home Fitness Face yoga instructor reveals 3 simple exercises to get rid of a double chin

Face yoga instructor reveals 3 simple exercises to get rid of a double chin

by Universalwellnesssystems

If you find yourself frequently slouching at your desk, rounded shoulders and neck pain may not be the only unwanted side effect.

Sitting in front of a laptop can inevitably lead to a double chin.

Do you have a double chin? Poor posture could be the culpritCredit: Getty

Face yoga app survey Lovely – Collaboration with posture bra company Etalon – 94 percent of women are found to be hunched over when using gadgets, and 27 percent spend more than eight hours a day looking at screens.

long period Poor posture at your desk due to lack of movement can increase tension and cause muscle fatigue.

As a result, your body loses its ability to support itself properly, and poor posture can become the default, even when you’re away from a screen.

The same was true of 1,908 women surveyed about their technology use and its impact on their health and appearance, with 88 percent admitting to suffering from neck or shoulder pain.

Labrie warned that hunched posture caused by desk work could have side effects such as spinal dysfunction, degenerative joints, rounded shoulders and a protruding belly.

Participants also reported changes in their appearance, with 95% of women admitting to noticing signs of premature aging.

Some 64% of women said they had started to notice sagging skin around their chin and neck, 57% noticed wrinkles on their face, and 39% said they had more noticeable wrinkles on their neck and shoulders.

More than half – 52 percent to be exact – said they had noticed a double chin starting to appear.

“Hunched posture from constant laptop use can lead to repositioning of the neck muscles, particularly the platysma, a broad, thin, superficial muscle that covers the neck and lower face and is responsible for moving the mouth and frowning,” says Kristina Rudzinskaya, certified Pilates instructor and CEO of Etalon.

“This results in drooping corners of the mouth, which can lead to wrinkles and sagging skin.”

How to Improve Your Posture

Don’t worry, there are several ways to correct sagging cheeks. turkey neck.

In a video released exclusively by The Sun, certified face yoga instructor and Luvly yoga teacher Angela Rosoff demonstrates three simple exercises to improve your posture and reduce the impact that slouching can have on your face and neck.

1. Head lift

First, stretch your neck, then lift your head and slowly rotate it from side to side.Credit: Angela Rosoff, courtesy of Luvly

Before you begin any double chin reduction exercises, Angela recommends starting with neck stretches.

First, pull your shoulders up, back and down.

While pressing your solar plexus forward, slowly lift your head and slowly turn your head from side to side.

Take three deep breaths and complete this pose while exhaling.

Repeat 3 to 5 times.

2. Kissing Face

Next, try acting like you’re kissing someone over your shoulder.Credit: Angela Rosoff, courtesy of Luvly

This exercise may seem odd, but Angela says it’s great for stretching the platysma muscle, which runs from your jawline to the tip of your shoulder.

First, place both hands gently on opposite shoulders of your body.

Then act as if you are kissing someone, but in a very unnatural way.

Move your lips to the right and slowly move your head up and to the right as if you are going to kiss someone behind you and to the right.

Repeat on the left side. Hold for two breaths, then exhale and relax.

Repeat three times.

3. Meowing

Finally, place your tongue against the roof of your mouth and open and close your mouth.Credit: Angela Rosoff, courtesy of Luvly

To make the “meow” sound, place your whole tongue on the roof of your mouth.

If you have difficulty placing your whole tongue on the roof of your mouth, start by placing the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth.

Then, keeping your tongue firmly on the roof of your mouth, slowly open and close your mouth and lift your lower jaw.

Repeat this movement three times, then inhale and repeat the movement two more times.

Other inexpensive ways to slim your face

If your face seems fuller than you’d like, a good place to start is to review your diet and activity levels.

Fat in the face is the result of fat accumulation.

This excess fat is usually caused by overall weight gain, which is usually related to one or more factors, such as an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, aging, or a genetic condition.

Facial swelling is another cause. In this case, you may notice a change in the appearance of your face from day to day.

Besides facial exercises, there are other ways to slim your face.

  1. If you want to boost fat burning and increase weight loss, 20 to 40 minutes of aerobic exercise per day is ideal.
  2. Drink more water. When you are dehydrated, your body (and face) retains water and becomes more prone to swelling. Increasing your water intake will help keep your face and body hydrated and prevent water retention.
  3. Get more sleep – Aim for 8 hours of sleep to reduce facial puffiness
  4. Review your diet – Bloating can be a common sign of gluten sensitivity or digestive disorders, so check for any undiagnosed allergies or intolerances.
  5. Limit your salt intake. Too much sodium can cause fluid retention, leading to puffiness and swelling in the face and other areas of the body.
  6. Avoid drinking alcohol, which can lead to excess body and facial fat.
  7. Try a facial “roller” or massage. Facial “de-puffing tools” like a jade roller can help speed up lymphatic drainage and reduce facial swelling. You can also use your hands.
  8. Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates. Biscuits and pasta can lead to weight gain and fat storage.
  9. Eat more fiber. Fiber moves through your digestive tract more slowly, helping you feel fuller for longer and aiding in weight loss.

Source: Holland & Barrett

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