Home Medicine Experts warn about medications that could make the Las Vegas heat more dangerous

Experts warn about medications that could make the Las Vegas heat more dangerous

by Universalwellnesssystems

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — Experts say older adults may be more vulnerable to the dangers of the Las Vegas heat, especially if they take certain medications that interfere with the body’s ability to cool itself down.

Dr. Jeremy Silver, chief of emergency medicine at Northwestern Medicine Kishwaukee Hospital, said humans regulate their body temperature by sweating, and certain medications can affect that ability in people with chronic illnesses.

“Blood vessels dilate to bring warm body heat to the surface of the body and allow it to escape,” Silver says. “Many of these drugs block sweating and inhibit vasodilation, and sometimes they act on the brain, affecting its ability to regulate body temperature.”

The eight types of medications that don’t mix with heat include cardiac medications, antidepressants, antipsychotics, central nervous system stimulants, anticholinergics prescribed for Parkinson’s disease, antihistamines, decongestants, and dopaminergic drugs that increase dopamine-related activity in the brain.

Silver suggests storing medications properly and talking to your doctor about adjusting your specific dosage if necessary.

“You may need to tweak your dosage when it’s really hot outside, and we encourage you to stay cool, be responsible with your choices, drink plenty of fluids and stay in a cool place,” Silver said.

He adds that people should carefully read the precautions and warnings for over-the-counter medications such as Benadryl and Motrin, as these can affect the body’s ability to regulate its temperature, and that people should wear sunscreen, a hat and protective clothing if the medication causes photosensitivity.

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