Home Products Experts Say You May Want To Think Twice About Eating Bologna (It Could Lead To Weight Gain!)

Experts Say You May Want To Think Twice About Eating Bologna (It Could Lead To Weight Gain!)

by Universalwellnesssystems

packaged deli meat

If you’ve decided that one of your New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight, you may be in the middle of a variety of lifestyle changes. At the top of that list is probably the diet. Deciding what to eat and what not to eat for your health can be a difficult process (not to mention following these guidelines). Be the best for your body. For example, you may often make your own sandwiches. deli meat for lunch. A sandwich with meat and vegetables might seem like the perfect option, but health experts warn that many processed lunch meats can be detrimental to your weight loss goals. In fact, there’s one high-sodium meat that many agree should be left out of your sandwich if you’re trying to stay healthy this year. Bologna.

To find out more about why bologna is unhealthy and how it contributes to weight gain and other problems, we spoke to a nutritionist Lisa Richardsfounder of the Candida Diet and certified weight loss coach Joanna Wen spices and greensThey told us that sodium and saturated fat are red flags that shouldn’t be ignored.

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There’s no denying that a good old-fashioned bologna sandwich is a classic, easy lunch, but Richards and Wen both warn that eating bologna regularly can lead to weight gain, heart problems, and more. increase. “Bologna is a type of processed meat made from ground pork, beef, or a combination of the two,” explains Richards. in case of overdose. ”

Wen understood this concept. “Among deli meats, bologna is particularly detrimental to health,” she says. she loses weight “

In general, processed meats are never a good idea for your health because they contain preservatives, but high-sodium options like Bologna in particular are one of the worst culprits, says Wen. “All processed meats can lead to weight gain when consumed in large amounts instead of healthier foods, but those with particularly high levels of sodium and fat are the worst culprits.” “Preservatives” that can cause bloating and retain water content when consumed. And it’s definitely not the best for weight loss!

In addition to sodium, the saturated fat levels on hand are also a major warning sign for anyone trying to lose a few pounds, but the health risks go beyond just weight gain. Consuming large amounts of meat has been shown to increase the risk of heart disease, certain types of cancer, and other health problems because processed meats are typically high in saturated fat and sodium. , contributes to weight gain and increases the risk of high blood pressure and other health problems,” says Richards.

Of course, after all, almost everything is fine to eat in moderation. However, if you want to make healthier choices and avoid weight gain, it’s best to avoid bologna and opt for lean, unprocessed meat instead. , or plant-based options such as tofu or tempeh.

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