Home Fitness Experts say it takes three types of exercises to tone arms – but there’s one you’ve probably never heard of

Experts say it takes three types of exercises to tone arms – but there’s one you’ve probably never heard of

by Universalwellnesssystems
  • Lifting the barbell every day isn't enough to get toned arms
  • In addition to push-ups and bicep curls, you should also add isometric exercises.
  • Visit our new wellness page for more workout advice.

Arms are body parts that represent strength and power.

But for many people, achieving toned biceps that rival celebrities can feel like an impossible challenge.

You can spend months lifting heavy dumbbells, only to realize that your biceps aren't defined anymore.

Today, personal trainers reveal the three types of exercises you need to do to tone your upper body. One of them is that too few people know about it.

This means you don't have to do weight training every day to get toned arms.

Pushing, pulling, and isometric exercises are proven to increase upper body strength and lead to toned arms

A comprehensive upper-body exercise routine includes pushing, pulling, and isometric movements, says Keri Harvey, a personal trainer and performance specialist at Form Fitness in Brooklyn, New York.

Pushing and pulling movements are well known for toning the arms, and push-ups and bicep curls are two examples.

Other pushing exercises include tricep extensions, and pulling exercises include deadlifts and pull-ups.

However, Harvey emphasized another group of movements that are equally important: isometric exercises.

she said women's health these The purpose is to tighten or contract specific muscle groups.

Exercise enthusiast Isaac Fisher shared a video of himself doing several isometric moves on TikTok, including push-up holds and pull-up holds.

Exercise enthusiast Isaac Fisher shared a video of himself doing several isometric moves on TikTok, including push-up holds and pull-up holds.

These are usually done by holding a static position. That is, the length of the affected muscle does not change noticeably, and the joint does not move.

Unlike many upper body exercises that use weights or machines, these can be done with little to no equipment.

It has also been shown to improve core strength and balance.

One common isometric example is the Superman hold, which begins by lying on your stomach.

From there, extend your arms and legs and make a long straight line with your body.

Squeeze your abs and glutes and lift all your limbs a few inches off the ground.

You can also stretch your arms behind you to strengthen your back muscles.

Additionally, raising your shoulders and engaging your core muscles will strengthen both your arms and core.

On TikTok, fitness experts share examples of isometric exercises in clips that have collectively garnered more than 14 million views.

user named Isaac FisherFor example, I shared a clip of myself doing some isometric movements, such as push-up holds and pull-up holds.

Once you get used to the movement, try making adjustments like holding dumbbells to make it more challenging.

Harvey said all three of these exercise types can lead to toned arms, and it's easy to check all these boxes.

This is because you can incorporate different exercises into your cycling circuit training that target different areas of your body.

“I'm a big fan of circuits because it allows me to keep training at a moderate pace,” she said.

“You can group three exercises into one circuit. Once you've completed the first of all three sets, rest and then start again.”

“Remember to take your time with the movement and really pay attention to the connections with the muscles being used.”

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