Home Fitness Expert-Backed Benefits of Strength Training: How to, Risks

Expert-Backed Benefits of Strength Training: How to, Risks

by Universalwellnesssystems

there is no need A reminder that exercise is essential for good health.that's right how However, it is also important to exercise. Remember, you need to incorporate strength training into your exercise routine.

Strength training is no longer just for strength trainers and professional athletes. When you walk into a gym, you'll probably notice a variety of people on the weight room floor. If you search YouTube or Instagram, you'll find videos of 70-year-olds repeating heavy barbell deadlifts or elementary school students practicing front squats with PVC pipes during gym class.

This is the new normal for people of all ages and fitness levels, and it's more than just a trend. The health and wellness benefits of strength training go beyond just getting stronger.

What is strength training?

Simply put, strength training (also known as resistance training) is a type of exercise that requires muscles to contract under the load of external resistance. This external resistance can be applied with body weight, such as in push-ups and pull-ups, or with equipment such as dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, resistance bands, or cable machines.

Strength training improves muscle strength, or the amount of force a muscle can produce. Strengthening your muscles has several benefits. Here are some examples: Eric Son, CSCSI am a trainer and member of. men's healthStrengths of diversity initiatives.

Main benefits of strength training

increases muscle strength and size

The goal of many people who go to the gym is to build muscle and change their physique. Strength training is the way to achieve this. Aerobic exercise helps strengthen the heart muscle, but you need to incorporate consistent strength training to increase the strength and size of your skeletal muscles.

protects joints

Joint stability depends on muscle strength. Muscles absorb some of the shock that is placed on your joints through movements such as walking, running, and jumping. It also helps protect against directional forces that can push joints in directions they are not designed to move.

“Muscles help hold joints together,” says Song. “Think of this like a building. The strong muscles around your joints are like the backbone of the building.”

Prevention of injuries

It's clear that building strong muscles helps prevent joint damage. Strength training also reduces the risk of bone injury. Bone density increases when bones are stressed, such as when lifting heavy weights. Increased bone density reduces the risk of fractures and fractures. This also helps reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis and deterioration of bone tissue later in life.

“That’s especially true for the elderly population. [by] Reduces the risk of falls and increases the likelihood of falls. [being able to] Even if I fall down, I get back up,” says Song.

Helps burn more calories

Continuous strength training increases your body's muscle mass. 1 pound of muscle burns about 13 calories On the other hand, 1 pound of adipose tissue only burns about 4 calories per day. Broadly speaking, that's not a ton of calories, but if you're training enough to gain muscle mass, you're probably working out and exercising, which means more calories. Masu. It also burns more calories. If you're burning out more calories than you're taking in, that calorie burning can lead to fat loss and improved body composition.

improve quality of life

Strengthening your muscles through strength training can make daily life easier and improve your quality of life, says Song. “Everyday activities like running, walking, pulling and pushing doors become easier.”

better posture

If you ever heard your mother yell at you to “stand up straight” as a child, you may benefit from strength training. You can train your back muscles by incorporating a balanced strength program into your body. Strong back muscles improve your posture, says Song.

Good posture is dispersed Because the pressure of gravity is applied evenly across the entire skeleton, no part of the body is overstressed. This keeps your spine healthy, improves digestion, improves lung capacity, and keeps you balanced.

Improving athletic performance

Improved joint stability can improve balance, which can improve agility and change of direction.

Additionally, you can improve your power output by incorporating more explosive moments into your strength training, such as hang cleans and push presses. It will lead to improved performance in any activity you enjoy participating in. If you love hitting the pickleball court with your friends on Saturday mornings, strength training might give you more power on your serve. If you're a runner, strengthening your muscles will improve the pushing part of your stride, making your gait more efficient.

improve cardiovascular health

Increasing muscle mass not only helps you burn more calories; please help me lower it Reduces LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases HDL (good cholesterol). It also has the effect of lowering blood pressure, control blood sugar levels All of this improves cardiovascular health.

improve mental health

It's clear that exercise has a huge impact on mental health. some research They conclude that resistance training specifically helps increase cognitive levels and self-confidence, and reduces feelings of depression and anxiety.

How often should I strength train?

Department of Health and Human Services Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans We recommend strength training your major muscle groups at least twice a week to improve strength and maintain function.

That being said, how many times a week you train will largely depend on what you want to get out of your strength training. If you want to increase muscle mass to increase size, a week he needs to go to the gym a little more than two days. “If you don't train often enough, you don't get the stimulation of repetition. You don't take advantage of the increases in strength and size.” Dr. Sean Arendt, CSCSsaid the chair of the University of South Carolina's Department of Exercise Science. men's health.

If you want to improve your general health and fitness, aim for three days a week. men's health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, CSCS. If you're trying to lose weight, do strength training at least three times a week and try to stay as active as possible. If you want to build muscle, you can increase the frequency to 3 to 5 times a week.

What are the risks of strength training?

As with any physical activity, there is an inherent risk of injury. However, strength training is relatively safe if approached correctly.

Injuries in strength training usually occur when an exercise is performed incorrectly or the load is progressed too quickly. Performing technical exercises like back squats and barbell deadlifts requires months of practice to teach your body the proper mechanics. If you stack the plates before your muscles are ready, you may not be able to stabilize your muscles and control your movements under such loads. This can lead to anything from minor muscle strains to strains to joint dislocations and fractures.

Never perform any exercise without understanding the basics of proper form. Working with a certified personal trainer or strength and conditioning coach is the best way to learn proper form and improve safely.

Who should avoid strength training?

The only people who should not incorporate strength training into their daily routine are those with medical considerations. If you've just recovered from an injury, are recovering from surgery, or have some type of muscle disease, your doctor may advise you to avoid strength training, Song says. Always get your doctor's approval before starting any new exercise program, such as a new strength training program.

Cori Ritchey, NASM-CPT, is the Health & Fitness Associate Editor at Men's Health and a certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor. You can see more of her work at HealthCentral, Livestrong, Self, and more.

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