Home Health Care Expanding affordable health care in Wisconsin

Expanding affordable health care in Wisconsin

by Universalwellnesssystems

A year ago, the Inflation Control Law was enacted. To celebrate that accomplishment, I traveled coast to coast on Protect Our Care’s national bus tour, sharing news about all the changes to the healthcare system over the last few years under the Biden administration. Excited to be able to.

When I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer six years ago, I was lucky enough to get good insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As a small business owner, I had junk insurance. Before the ACA was passed, the self-employed and small businesses had little or no insurance coverage options. Pre-existing medical conditions are often excluded from insurance plans, and insurance companies will refuse to create a policy at all if they believe you may need care.

So, even though I was healthy at the time, as soon as the Healthcare.gov health insurance market opened in 2014, I got the right coverage right away.

If I had junk insurance in 2017, I would have been bankrupt or dead. She couldn’t afford the six months of chemotherapy and he the one month of radiation it took to go into remission today.

We live in a country where far too many people still cannot afford or access the care they need. But under the leadership of President Biden and Congressional Democrats, we continue to move forward.

Under the Control Inflation Act, Medicare members’ out-of-pocket insulin costs are already capped at $35 a month. The pressure from this move has forced insulin makers to lower insulin prices for many people who are already not covered by Medicare. Basic preventative medicine like the new shingles vaccine is free, forcing big pharma to keep inflation costs in check and keep drug prices down. And millions of middle-class working Americans like myself who were originally ineligible for assistance to pay for ACA health insurance plans are now getting assistance.

The out-of-pocket limit for Medicare prescription drugs will soon be set at $2,000 a year. Medicare will be allowed to negotiate drug prices for the first time. The first 10 drugs will be unveiled on Sept. 1 and will save seniors hard-earned money.

It was a pleasure to stop by Lacrosse and Green Bay Wisconsin Thank you for sharing this great news Senator Tammy Baldwin, Rep. Gwen Moore, Rep. Mark Pokan He voted for lower drug prices and better care, and Governor Evers’ support for expanding Medicaid in Wisconsin.

The Inflation Control Act is just one of many ways the Biden administration is moving the U.S. healthcare sector forward. After hospitalizations and medical crises, some of the doctors who treat us have surprising claims because one or more of them doesn’t have health insurance. If your health insurance refuses to pay, it can result in large claims.

After my initial cancer diagnosis, I had to contend with nearly $100,000 in hospital bills because my initial hospital was out of network. No one has to go through these battles to survive cancer, heart attack, stroke, or other emergencies. Prohibition of Surprises Law Coming into Force in 2022That means you and I won’t have to face staggering medical bills anymore, or at least we’ll have new ways to fight them.

President Biden also curbs junk insurance plansA plan I used to have but is notorious for refusing to cover the expensive medical bills you need when you get sick or injured. Too many people are lured into agents who lure people into substandard plans with deceptively low monthly fees, pages of fine print that only a law degree can understand, and sometimes hefty fees. deceived. And how little is actually covered when Americans need it most.

We need to do more to make sure everyone in America gets the care they deserve. Wisconsin’s legislature needs to act now to finally expand Medicaid for working families. But we must recognize the gains made so far. Support healthcare advocates who continue to drive down costs and better healthcare while protecting the healthcare we receive today.

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