Home Fitness Exercises for Broken Ankle: Re-building Your Ankle’s Resilience

Exercises for Broken Ankle: Re-building Your Ankle’s Resilience

by Universalwellnesssystems

Exercise is essential for recovery after a broken ankle. The right kind of exercise for ankle fractures can help restore strength, improve balance, increase mobility, and return to normal activity. Recognizing the relevance of this step can help increase motivation and focus, especially during the difficult first few weeks. That’s why we’re here to provide insight into the importance of physical therapy in overcoming this difficult situation.

Studies show that the most common ankle injuries include severe ankle sprains and ankle fractures (1). A broken ankle prevents people from moving freely or doing everyday activities with ease. A recent systematic review revealed that the ankle was the most frequently injured foot site in 24 of the 70 sports studied (1). Initial treatment of ankle fractures usually includes surgical or nonsurgical realignment of the fracture, followed by a period of ankle immobilization and rehabilitation. The healing process for an ankle fracture may begin while the ankle is still in a cast or brace, such as when the person begins to put weight on the injured ankle or begin to perform certain exercises (1). However, in many cases, ankle fracture recovery begins after the immobilization period is complete.

16 effective exercises for ankle fracture rehab

Exercise helps reduce stiffness, improves circulation, and accelerates the healing process. Here are a series of simple exercises suitable for different stages of recovery from an ankle fracture. Each stage will require specific ankle fracture exercises, from gentle early movements to more vigorous later movements. Make your recovery journey smoother, more effective, and one step closer to reclaiming an active lifestyle.

Rehabilitation exercises are a key component of the recovery process after an ankle fracture. Designed to help restore ankle range of motion, strength, balance and function. One study outlined the significant impact of recovery exercises on a fractured ankle (2).

Some of the most effective ankle fracture treatment exercise programs are listed below.

1. ankle pumps

Ankle pump involves simple ankle dorsiflexion and ankle plantarflexion movements similar to pushing the pedals of a car. This exercise improves circulation, reduces swelling, and begins the process of regaining ankle mobility.

Process and Personnel:

Move your ankle up and down for 5 minutes several times each day.

2. Ankle Alphabet

The ankle alphabet exercise consists of moving your ankle to “draw” each letter of the alphabet in the air. Helps improve ankle joint movement (2).

Process and Personnel:
Keep moving your ankles in alphabetical motions three times a day for five minutes.

3. Towel/crutch stretch

This is one of the most effective yet simple exercises for ankle fractures.

Process and Personnel:
Pull your leg back to stretch your calf. Hold for 15 seconds. Repeat 1-3 times a day, 3-5 times.

4. Tukar

This exercise strengthens the small muscles in your ankle and can help you regain stability and control after a broken ankle.

Process and Personnel:
Roll your toes around the towel for 5 minutes 1-3 times a day.

5. Towel slide

This is a low-impact rehabilitation exercise that increases and gently strengthens the ankle’s range of motion after a fracture.

Process and Personnel:
Sit with your legs outstretched. Slide the towel in and out using only your ankles. Do this for 5 minutes, 1-3 times a day.

6. Isometric Ankle Strengthening

This exercise helps restore strength in your ankles after a break without stressing your joints with movement.

Process and Personnel:
Sit with your legs straight out in front of you. Push his front leg into his hand in different directions for 5 seconds. Do 3 sets of 10-20 repetitions daily.

7. Fibular Bone Bridging

This exercise specifically targets the peroneus muscle, which is critical for ankle stability and single leg balance, and reduces recovery time from ankle fractures.

Process and Personnel:

Lie down on the mat, raise your hips, and raise and lower your toes. Do 3 sets of 10-20 reps daily.

8. Heel-to-toe raise

This exercise strengthens the calf muscles and increases ankle joint stability. This is essential for normal weight bearing activities.

Process and Personnel:
A heel-to-raise consists of putting your weight on your toes and then on your heels. Do this 3 times a day for 3-4 minutes.

9. Calf stretch

These exercises promote flexibility in your calf muscles. This is essential to restore normal gait and reduce strain on the healing ankle.

Process and Personnel:
Stand straight, straighten your knees, and move your hips forward to stretch your calves. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3-5 times.

10. Achilles Tendon Stretch

These stretches focus on the Achilles tendon to improve flexibility and reduce the risk of reinjury as the ankle heals.

Process and Personnel:
Bend your knees slightly and move your hips back and forth to stretch your Achilles tendon. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3-5 times 3-5 times a day.

11. Ankle Circle

Ankle circles help restore balance and strength to a fractured ankle.

Process and Personnel:
Rotate your ankle clockwise and counterclockwise in large circular motions for 5 minutes. It can be performed while sitting in a chair or standing. Please choose according to your convenience.

12. Assisted Circle Stretch

These exercises help restore full range of motion in ankle joints immobilized by fractures.

Process and Personnel:
From a seated position, rotate your ankles in progressively larger circles for about 5 minutes, 2-5 times a day.

13. Tube strength training

Using a resistance rubber band can help restore strength and stability to the muscles surrounding a fractured ankle, speeding up the recovery process.

  • ankle varus: Push the ankle inward against the resistance of the tube.
  • ankle valgus: Push the ankle outward against the resistance of the tube.

14. Standing gymnastics

These weight-bearing exercises help restore the balance, strength, and proprioception that are essential for the full recovery of a fractured ankle.

Process and Personnel:

  • Standing heel raise: Slowly rise on your toes, hold for 3-5 seconds, and repeat 15-20 times daily.
  • Step up: Slowly lower it down, pause, and push it up again. Do 3 sets of 30-50 reps, 3 days a week.

15. Bicycle

Bicycling is not only a fun exercise, but it also helps strengthen an injured ankle.

Process and Personnel:
Start with light pressure by pushing and pulling your ankle with a stationary or mobile bike, preferably with a toe clip. Gradually increase resistance and time up to 45-60 minutes (2).

16. Pool gymnastics

Here are some effective Here are some pool exercises for a broken ankle.

  • Perform a flutter kick while holding on to the side or using a kickboard.
  • Frog breast kick while using side hugs and kickboards.
  • swimming laps.
  • Walking/running laps in shallow water.
  • Run deep with a buoy under your armpit and between your legs.

Exercise is essential for recovery from an ankle fracture.Effective ankle exercise after fracture The above outline is not exhaustive, but provides a roadmap for building strength, flexibility and balance after an ankle fracture. Before starting any new ankle exercise to recover from an ankle fracture, consult a medical professional to find out if the exercise is suitable for your individual condition and stage of recovery.

Exercises to avoid when you have a broken ankle

broken ankle exercises

Treating an ankle fracture requires engaging in beneficial exercise and avoiding exercise activities that can aggravate the injury or interfere with the healing process. Certain exercises with a broken ankle should be avoided while recovering from an ankle fracture.

high impact activities

High-impact activities such as jumping, running, and plyometric exercises can overstress the healing ankle and cause further damage (3).


Weightlifting, especially heavy squats and deadlifts, can put a lot of weight and pressure on your ankles (3). These exercises can adversely affect the healing ankle, strain the recovering tissue and interfere with the healing process.

full range yoga poses

Gentle yoga offers flexibility and balance benefits, but certain full-range poses, such as Warrior II and Downward Dog, can put undue stress on a fractured ankle (Four).

Exercise is an important aspect of recovery from ankle fractures, but some activities can negatively affect the healing process. High-impact exercises, weightlifting, and certain yoga poses should be avoided during ankle fracture recovery. Everyone’s recovery process is different. It is always important to consult with a medical professional to develop a customized and safe rehabilitation plan.


Exercise for ankle fractures is an essential part of a solid recovery strategy. It has several benefits such as increased mobility, increased strength and improved balance. Understanding the specifics of ankle fractures and the symptoms that accompany them is essential to developing an exercise plan that is suitable for each individual. Incorporating targeted exercise while avoiding activities that may exacerbate symptoms can promote healing and enhance the recovery process. However, consulting a medical professional is an important step to ensure that the exercise you choose is safe and appropriate for each individual’s specific condition. Therefore, ankle fracture exercise, when performed correctly under professional supervision, can be a powerful tool to support the healing process, promote recovery, and improve overall quality of life.

Also read: 6 Best Knee Exercises to Correct Posture at Home

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