Don’t neglect back exercises at the gym

People often skip back exercises at the gym. Cardio, strength training, chest training, and leg days are prioritized, but it’s equally important to add a mix of back exercises to your routine. It improves your posture, which makes you feel more energetic and more confident. It also strengthens your spine so you can lift heavy weights. A strong back helps reduce back pain by providing structural consistency to your body frame. Not only that, it will also improve your appearance as it will increase your height. Naturally, people with round shoulders do not look attractive.

To tone your back, you should combine strength training with flexibility exercises to target the muscles in your upper, middle, and lower back. Here is a list of exercises that will help you achieve a toned back.


To do a pull-up, grip the overhead bar with your palms facing out and slightly wider than shoulder width. Hang freely, strengthen your core, tighten your shoulder blades and bend your elbows to pull yourself up. Chin has to clear the bar. Lower with control. Gradually increase the number of repetitions to increase the intensity, aiming to maximize your range of motion.
These are great for targeting your upper back. If you’re new to pull-ups, you can start with assisted pull-ups using resistance bands until you’re strong enough to do a full pull-up.


bridge pose

To do this, lie on your back, bend your knees and flatten your feet. Place your arms at your sides, palms down. Tuck your feet in and lift your hips up. Slide your shoulder blades down. Tuck your chin in to lift your chest. take a deep breath. Hold for a few seconds or minutes. Release your hands, arch your spine down, and relax. It stimulates the lower back, glutes and hamstring muscles to tone and strengthen these areas. It’s a great exercise to improve your posture.

6 Exercises for Your Hamstrings and Glutes


To deadlift, start with your feet hip-width apart and a barbell in the middle of your feet. Bend your knees and grab the bar just outside your knees with an overhand or mixed grip. Make sure your back is flat and your chest is up. Strengthen your core and extend your hips and knees at the same time to lift the bar. Keep the bar close to your body during the movement. Lower the bar by bending your hips and knees with controlled movement. It works multiple muscles, including your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. Deadlifts help improve overall back strength and stability.

T bar row

To do a T-bar row, load a barbell onto the machine. Slightly bend your knees and straddle them, bend your hips and grasp the handles, keeping your back straight. Keeping your elbows closed, pull the bar toward your chest and lower it. This exercise targets the muscles in your mid and upper back.

hyper extension

This is done using a hyperextension bench or balance ball. This exercise targets the lower back muscles and helps improve the strength of the erector spinae. To do this, cross your arms behind your head, hinge at your waist, and lower your torso. Use your lower back muscles to lift your body. Keep your spine straight. Avoid excessive stretching. Start with light weights and do at least 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

lat pulldown

This exercise focuses on the latissimus dorsi muscles and is effective in creating a V-shaped back. To perform a lat pulldown, sit in front of the machine, grip the bar with your palms facing forward, and squeeze your shoulder blades as you pull the bar down to your upper chest. Keep your back straight and strengthen your core. Slowly release the bar back to the starting position. Control your movements and use proper form to effectively train your lats.


one arm dumbbell row

Kneel at the side of a bench and place one hand and knee on the bench and the other foot on the ground. Grab a dumbbell with your free hand and keep your back straight. Pull the dumbbells to your waist and lower them. Repeat at least 3 sets. This helps stabilize your core.

face pull

The face pull works the posterior deltoids and upper back, balances the shoulder muscles and improves posture. To perform a face pull, attach the rope to a high pulley, grasp the rope with an overhand grip, step back and pull the rope toward your face, squeezing your shoulder blades. Keep your elbows high and your shoulders retracted. Pause and then flip.

banana hold

These bodyweight exercises focus on the lower back muscles and help improve core strength and stability. To perform the banana hold, lie on your back and lift your legs and upper body off the ground to form a curved shape like a banana. As you reach your arms overhead, focus on your core and balance on your glutes. Hold for a few seconds, then release. Repeat this to increase core strength and flexibility.

fixed cable row

This exercise targets the mid and lower back and helps develop a strong and defined back.
Sit in front of a cable rowing machine with your feet on the pad and your knees slightly bent. Grasp the handles and extend your arms. Pull the handle toward your abdomen and squeeze your shoulder blades. Pause and slowly extend your arms. Maintain correct posture. Do at least 3 sets. Adjust weights as needed. Focus on controlled movement and breathing.