Home Fitness Exercise Intolerance: What It Is, and How To Deal

Exercise Intolerance: What It Is, and How To Deal

by Universalwellnesssystems

W.We are always told that exercise is a good thing, but like most things that are said in absolute terms, there are times when exercise can actually be a good thing. harm. His one such scenario is if someone suffers from exercise intolerance. It’s a disease that many people have never heard of, but it can affect people suffering from a wide variety of conditions.

What is Exercise Intolerance?

Harry Zwibel, DOdirector of the Center for Sports Medicine at the New York Institute of Technology, explains that exercise intolerance is the inability to do age-specific physical activity.

“People with exercise intolerance are unable to build the necessary stamina through exercise,” explains Dr. Zwibel. “In fact, exercise can cause even more discomfort.”

Don’t get me wrong. Exercise intolerance is more than just feeling unwell or unwilling to exercise. This is a real condition that can affect your physiology. People with exercise intolerance do not respond stronger to a workout, and physical activity can make them feel worse. Dr. Zwibel says this happens because there is less oxygen-rich blood circulating throughout the body.

“People are motivated to exercise, but their bodies just can’t keep up with the moment,” he says.

What are your symptoms?

Some people confuse this symptom with lack of fitness because the symptoms can resemble those of someone who is “out of shape.” In other words, when people start exercising, they feel tense and tired. Many people also experience muscle spasms and pain. These reactions make it difficult to continue exercising in a comfortable or manageable manner.

What are the most common causes?

This condition has various underlying causes. Two of the most common are heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), says Dr. Zwibel. It could also be a symptom associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or POTS. However, some of the causes may not be identified or fully understood at this time.

“There are studies linking long-term COVID-19 to exercise intolerance even after symptoms have resolved from acute COVID-19,” says Zwibel. “The mechanism is still unknown, but it may be related to lung or heart problems.”

Dr. Zwibel said that in addition to the prolonged effects of COVID-19, many other respiratory diseases, such as asthma and COPD, could also contribute.

“The whole body needs oxygen-rich blood to maintain all bodily functions. Respiratory conditions can adversely affect blood oxygenation,” he says. On the other hand, in certain heart conditions oxygen-rich blood may not reach the tissues where it is needed.

The good news: Fortunately, not everyone with this type of condition necessarily suffers from exercise intolerance. Whether or not you are affected frequently depends on the type and severity of the health problem, your level of health before you became ill, and how well the condition was managed.

Can I train with exercise intolerance?

While it may sound like people with exercise intolerance should avoid exercise at all costs, Dr. Zwibel says it’s an unnecessary precaution and almost always counterproductive.

“you can and should do it However, there is one big caveat. The exercise program should be tailored to the person’s reason for exercise intolerance,” he says. “There is no one-size-fits-all approach, so it is important to seek advice from a qualified medical professional.”

Health care providers should closely monitor how your body responds to activity and provide a target level of physical exertion for you to follow, says Dr. Zwibel. “This has been shown to improve exercise intolerance and help improve quality of life.”

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