Home Nutrition Everything You Know About Ultra-Processed Foods Might Be Wrong

Everything You Know About Ultra-Processed Foods Might Be Wrong

by Universalwellnesssystems

Are ultra-processed foods really bad for you?Alison Dominguez

about 60 percent The majority of the American diet consists of ultra-processed foods. That’s not surprising, considering that much of what we eat is processed, including deli meats, packaged bread, soda, and chips. oat milk in your fridge.a recent reports, However, made heading For showing how ultra-processed foods can negatively impact our health.A review of 45 studies in british medical journal They found strong links between high consumption of processed foods and cardiovascular disease, mental disorders, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and death. But does eating an occasional potato chip really make us go to the grave faster?

What is ultra-processed food?

“condition is It has been processed and super processed Although it’s been thrown around a lot lately and viewed negatively, it’s important to know the difference between processed and ultra-processed foods,” said Diana Rodriguez, MSc, RD, CPT. New York City Nutrition.

Almost all food we buy in stores has been processed in some way. Enjoy the classic turkey sandwich. It’s probably made using packaged bread, sliced ​​cheese, deli meat, and maybe mayonnaise and mustard, all of which are processed products.

Using the USDA definition, Rodriguez said: processed food Foods that have undergone changes from their natural state, including washing, cooking, freezing, drying, and packaging.

Minimally processed food Only a few changes have been made. Think sliced ​​and packaged fruits and vegetables, milk, and eggs.

and you are ultra-processed foods, she said, with many ingredients added through multiple processes such as extrusion and milling. It is stripped of most nutrients and usually contains large amounts of sugar, fat, and sodium. ultra-processed foods. This includes the obvious items like soda, candy, etc. hot dogincluding sneaky grocery items like breakfast cereals, plant-based meats, and dairy alternatives.

Some are widely used NOVA system, which classifies foods based on processing methods. The NOVA system has four categories: unprocessed or minimally processed foods, processed foods, and ultra-processed foods.

Processed foods are commercially available, often have a long shelf life, and are designed for convenience. The average American doesn’t get enough fiber from produce, so store-bought, minimally processed, sliced ​​fruits and vegetables eliminate the need to wash, dry, or cut them. , Rodriguez said, making it more convenient to eat more produce.

“Processed foods such as bread, cheese, tofu, and canned fruits and vegetables have been modified but are not harmful to your health. Easy, convenient, and nutritious meals to keep you healthy and satisfied. It helps you make it,” she said.

How unhealthy are ultra-processed foods?

Research shows that consistently consuming a diet filled with ultra-processed foods high in added sugar, salt, and fat can have negative effects on your health. However, there are some caveats. “Everyone can find ways to reduce their consumption of ultra-processed foods, but it’s important to consider the nutritional value of the food rather than the processing itself,” she says.

In 2023, the USDA Agricultural Research Service Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center has been published study. It proves that it is indeed possible to eat a healthy diet according to the American Dietary Guidelines, in which 91 percent of calories come from ultra-processed foods. These foods were considered ultra-processed using the NOVA scale.

This goes to show that there are many variations in this category and just because something is called ultra-processed doesn’t necessarily mean it’s “bad” for you.

“This study is proof of concept for a more balanced view of healthy eating patterns, and the use of ultra-processed foods may also be an option,” said Julie Hess, ARS research dietitian at the Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center. ” he said.be USDA press release.

“For example, for people with cow’s milk allergies or who choose a vegetarian/vegan diet, soy milk is the best nutrient-dense option,” says Rodriguez. “Does that mean that plant-based options are considered ultra-processed and therefore no good?”

While research has shown that ultra-processed foods can have negative health effects, research has also shown that they may be compatible with current dietary guidelines. In the end, it seems to come down to the individual and the type of food they are eating. A diet where the main ultra-processed foods are candy and soda is probably very different from a diet consisting of fiber-rich bread and low-carbohydrate breakfast cereals.

Ultra-processed foods and diet

When advising clients, Rodriguez tries to respond to their current situation by learning their dietary history and making small changes to improve their health. When purchasing ultra-processed foods, she recommends reading the labels and ingredient lists to make an informed decision. Be sure to choose options with the least sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar.

You can also try cook more meals at home. “Cooking at home allows you to be more conscious of your food choices and the ingredients added,” she said.

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