Home Medicine “Era of treatment.” Des Moines man taking new Alzheimer’s medication

“Era of treatment.” Des Moines man taking new Alzheimer’s medication

by Universalwellnesssystems

DES MOINES, Iowa — Mike Zendel knows the effects of Alzheimer’s disease firsthand.

“Both my parents had Alzheimer’s and died of Alzheimer’s. I was their caretaker,” Zendel said. “So I knew in the back of my mind I knew it could happen to me.”

That prompted him to get tested, and his instincts were correct. He was diagnosed with the disease in June 2020.

With a medical background, he took a proactive approach to researching treatment options. =

“It was basically a defense of my own health,” Zendel said. “If I had waited for the doctor to call me and tell me that something was available, I would not have gotten the treatment yet.”

He searched for treatment options and found a clinic in Arizona that offered Aduhelm, one of the Federal Drug Administration-approved treatments.

In September 2020, he began receiving an Aduhelm IV drip.of FDA The drug will be approved in 2021. He is one of two varieties of him currently on the market. another drug, Rekembiis expected to be approved by the FDA on July 6.

Drugs are not a cure, but they slow the progression of symptoms and relieve symptoms. amyloid beta plaque in the brain.

according to Alzimpact.orgMore than 60,000 Iowans over the age of 65 suffer from the disease.

A major stumbling block is that the drug is not covered by Medicaid or Medicare. Zendel and the Alzheimer’s Association continue to support those in need.

Earlier this month, the association and its advocates rallied to change policies that block the use of drugs to treat early Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Yogesh Shah, a geriatrician at Broadlawns, said the drug is only approved for people with early to mild cognitive impairment.

For Zendel, he discovered the diagnosis at just the right time.

He said 20 years of research has given him hope for those battling the disease.

“Finally, the era of Alzheimer’s treatment has begun. We’ve never been there. We’ve been waiting for this day for 20 years,” Zuendel said.

He had some fears and flaws in his decision to make his treatment decisions public, but he knew he had to.

“To show the world that you can live a very healthy, fulfilling, purposeful and happy life with a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment,” he said. “There is now a cure available.

After 19 infusions, he miraculously recovered.

“I definitely feel better and growing. And in fact I recently had a PET scan about three months ago to see how much amyloid is in my brain now and compared to a year and a half ago. he said. “Doctors in Phoenix said I had miraculously recovered. Now, thanks to my medication and a healthy lifestyle, I have almost no plaque buildup in my brain.”

He also believes that playing memory games, being social, eating well, and living a healthy lifestyle are part of the process.

He is optimistic about the future of medicine and people fighting the disease.

“Don’t lose hope. Stay true to your beliefs. Don’t be hard on yourself. Sometimes it can be frustrating. I tell them to keep dieting. Keep exercising,” Zendel said. . “Keep up to date with the latest research, but don’t give up hope because there is help.”

For more information about Alzheimer’s disease and resources for caregivers and patients, visit the Alzheimer’s Association. website.

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