Home Health Care Ending HIV in Europe by 2030  – POLITICO

Ending HIV in Europe by 2030  – POLITICO

by Universalwellnesssystems

With a new European Commission, a new European Parliament and several elections scheduled across the continent this year, activists are working to ensure that the needs and health of people living with HIV remain high on the political health agenda.

Thanks to the development of innovative and highly effective treatments, HIV is no longer a death sentence, but the fact remains that ending the HIV epidemic still requires political sensitivity.

For example, many people living with HIV are older, creating new challenges in terms of treatment and each patient’s specific care needs, says Mario Cascio, chair of the Quality of Life Programme at the European AIDS Treatment Group, who has been living with HIV for more than 40 years.

EU institutions and Member States must play their part through regulations, policies and coordination of efforts..”

Mario Cascio, Chair of the Quality of Life Programme at the European AIDS Treatment Group

“Millions of people who have been infected with HIV for years are at risk of developing age-related health conditions at higher rates and at younger ages than the general population,” he said. “We need to invest in preventing complications and ensure our health systems are well equipped to deliver integrated, people-centred care to meet these emerging needs.”

Moreover, he warns that the world needs to be vigilant about the problem of increasing resistance to certain drugs, which could make treating patients much more difficult. World Health Organization highlights In February of this year.

Cascio says the key to solving these two challenges is continued investment in innovative anti-HIV treatments and increased political commitment to ending the HIV epidemic.

Europe has aligned with the UNAIDS goal of eliminating HIV by 2030, and political momentum is building at the European Union level, with several calls to action issued in recent months, including a joint letter from several HIV-related organizations and a call to action to end HIV by 2030. Letter from a cross-party group of MEPsA statement addressed to the European Commission and a call to action addressed to the Health Ministers of the 27 EU countries at the last EU summit. Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council Health conference.

EU policymakers are calling for the adoption of a range of policies, including testing, rapid linkage and retention to innovative treatment and prevention options, integrated, person-centred care that takes into account the needs and health of people living with HIV, and measures to reduce stigma and discrimination. The EU’s commitment to elimination of HIV was reaffirmed at a summit of EU leaders in June this year. G7 Summit In Italy.

Cascio acknowledged that progress had been made but said activists must continue to push for more, calling on EU institutions and member states to coordinate efforts and enact policies at European and national level.

“We need an ambitious EU action plan to complement and support national efforts over the next five years and beyond,” he said. “It requires prioritization, innovation, sustained investments, differentiated service delivery models, strong collaboration and community engagement.”

And the time to act is now, he says.

“By ending HIV transmission by 2030, we can pave the way to bring dignity and protect communities to the millions of people still affected and suffering by HIV,” he said. “We don’t often have a window of opportunity to end an epidemic. With HIV, we have that window of opportunity, and if we act now, we can make it happen.”

Watch our video to hear Mario’s personal history with the disease and his journey to becoming an HIV activist.

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Learn more about the current state of the HIV epidemic and how we can help end it in the new report, ” Doing More to End the HIV Epidemic ,” written by partners at Boston Consulting Group and commissioned by Gilead Sciences.

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