Kenya Union of Post-Primary Teachers (Kupett) Embu Branch Say it now Some of its members abandoned them Taken to spend time in the bushes and duties Collect medicinal shrubs, stems and roots Prepare an alternative Herbs mEjitins middle The drawbacks of the Social Health Agency (SHA) scheme.
The union lamented what its members had experienced Difficult to access medical services throughIrres Insurance system And in a desperate move, he began working on alternative medicine.
They threatened to take industrial measures if the SHA system’s system’s system’s system’s system’s system’s system of generalized disorders have not been addressed and members continue to experience problems accessing healthcare services.
Kuppet Embu County Commissioner, Jacob Karuraa; I said, “THe was only a private hospital in Embu County, where he served the teachers below. Ours Health Scheme has withdrawn its services on an unpaid bill. This forces many people to seek alternative treatments, such as traditional herbal regimens, without reliable healthcare options.”
He continued, “This situation has been exacerbated by the poor conditions of public hospitals in the county, often with a shortage of important medical supplies, including basic drugs. As a result, teachers are unable to see an appropriate doctor, searching for herbal remedies in the bushes and diverting their focus from their educational obligations.”
The union said it would be urgently addressed the issue and would consider taking a strike if the situation changes.