Home Nutrition Elevate Your Endurance With This 20-Minute, No-Equipment Workout

Elevate Your Endurance With This 20-Minute, No-Equipment Workout

by Universalwellnesssystems

As cyclist, want to do aerobic exercise regularly.They help build the stamina you need to run miles and pick up the pace when you need to. pace of conversation You can classify this type of training. So you are probably already head of the game.

But if you want improve endurance Whether you’re on the go or at home, you’ll want to add this bodyweight cardio workout. Amber ReeseSenior Curriculum Lead Bally’s Co-Founder of New York City, Brave Body Projectto your training schedule.

Benefits of this aerobic workout for cyclists

These nine exercises are Cardio A mashup for cyclists looking for unique ways to improve and maintain aerobic exercisethat’s why body weight (no fancy equipment needed!) and you can practice anywhere (all you need is a space the size of an exercise mat!).

Benefits of doing cardio like this workout include improved aerobic fitness. This allows the body to learn to use oxygen more efficiently for energy. This makes the ride more comfortable and lower heart rate Protects you from huffs and puffs.

In addition to your improvement Cardiothis workout will also help you build whole body strengthMore specifically, the first half of this workout helps cyclists get stronger. quadgluteus maximus, and hamstrings more powerful pedal stroke According to Rees, the mechanics of cycling have improved. in the second half of the workout, upper body— Most importantly, your core — for the better posture When stable.

So if you’re looking for a quick 20 minute routine you can do before heading to work, or if you just want something to sweat instead of a ride on a rainy day, this workout will do just that. .

How to use this list: Perform each exercise below in turn for 60 seconds, with very little rest between each exercise. Recover for 60 seconds, then repeat through the list.

An exercise mat is optional, but no equipment is required for this workout. Each move is demonstrated by Reese in the video above so you can learn proper form.

1. good morning

Amber Reese

Why it works: Activate rear chain— Muscles we tend to ignore — return, gluteus maximus, hamstrings with this exercise.Strengthening these muscles will give you more power on the road.

How to do it: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and place your hands behind your head. With your knees slightly bent and your core engaged, move your hips straight back and hinge your hips. Maintain a flat back. Then stand up through your legs and straighten your hips. repeat.

2. Squat tap back

Cardio, Amber Reese does squats and does tap back exercises

Amber Reese

Why it works: this lower body exercises Targets key muscles used in cycling like you quad When gluteus maximus.

How to do it: Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and clasp your hands together in front of your chest. Move your hips back and forth into a squat position. Pause at the bottom, tighten your core, step your right foot back, lunge position. Then return your right leg to the squat position. Next, pull your left leg back into a lunge position. Then return to the squat position. Press your feet into the ground and stand up. repeat.

3. Side lunge

Cardio, Amber Reese Perfume Side Lunge Exercise

Amber Reese

Why it works: It is important for cyclists to work in alternating planes of motion in addition to the typical front-to-back motion.This exercise allows you to target and move laterally hip abductionwhich is important for glute muscle strength When Injury prevention.

How to do it: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forward. Clasp your hands in front of your chest. Take a big step to the left with your left foot, bend your knees and send your hips back. Keep your right leg straight. Make sure your weight is on the heel of your left leg and your knee and toes are pointing forward. Then drive your left leg to stand up and bring your right leg back to hip distance. Repeat on the right side. Continue alternating.

4. Single-leg deadlift to lunge

Cardio, Amber Reese performs a reverse lunge by performing a single-leg deadlift

Amber Reese

Why it works: challenge it Balance! This move works one leg stabilityan important element of riding.

How to do it: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands behind your head. Shift your weight to your left leg, lift your right heel, and align your right toes with your left heel. Send the bat straight back with a deadlift to engage the core and hinge of your lower back. Then run through your left leg to stand up and straighten your hips. Next, pull your right leg back to perform a reverse lunge, bend both knees about 90 degrees, lower your right knee back and off the ground, and place your left knee over your toes. Push through your feet to stand up and step your right foot forward. Repeat on the other side. Continue alternating.

5. Pop squat

Cardio, Amber Reese does a pop squat exercise

Amber Reese

Why it works: this plyometric exercise Helps cyclists build lower body strength and explosive power faster ride.

How to do it: Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing slightly outward.Move your hips back and forth, bend your knees squat Touch the ground with your right hand. Jump and explode off the floor, putting your feet together. Then jump back into a squat position, bend your knees and land low, this time touching the ground with your left hand. repeat.

6. Push-ups to Downward Facing Dog

Cardio, Amber Reese does push-ups in downward dog exercise

Amber Reese

Why it works: your occupation shoulder stability and goals core strength This dynamic movement stretch the calves Downward dog hamstrings.

How to do it: start with board Your shoulders should be over your wrists and a straight line should be formed from your head to your heels. Maintaining that straight line, bend your elbows and slowly lower your body to the floor. Exhale and slowly straighten your elbows and push back into the plank. Then lift your hips up and back, bringing your chest between your arms to form an upside-down V for Downward Facing Dog. repeat.

7. Tricep dip

Cardio, Amber Reese Performs Tricep Dip

Amber Reese

Why it works: target your back weaponespecially your triceps brachiiwith this exercise that will help you handle the bike better.

How to do it: Start by sitting, bending your knees and keeping your feet flat. Place your hands behind your hips with your fingers pointing toward you. Lift your hips off the ground. This is your starting point. Bend your elbows and lower your hips to the ground. Then push back to the starting position. repeat.

8. From leg lift to toe touch

Amber Reese practicing cardio, leg lift and toe touch exercise

Amber Reese

Why it works: work them Abs This exercise requires midsection stability as you move your legs, much like you would on a bicycle.

How to do it: Lie on your back with your legs straight, feet in the air, and your arms directly above your chest. Lower your feet to the ground and at the same time lower your arms behind your head. Keep your back flat against the mat. Lift your arms and legs back to center. Then lift your head, neck and shoulders off the ground and reach for your toes with both hands. Return your upper body to the floor. repeat.

9. Bicycle

Cardio, Amber Reese practices biking

Amber Reese

Why it works: build strength in diagonalhelps keep you upright and stable as you tick the miles.

How to do it: Lie on your stomach, place your hands behind your head, spread your elbows, and lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the floor. Bend your knees and hold them above your hips. Extend your right leg and rotate your torso to the left, extending from your right shoulder to your left knee. Return to center, extend your left leg, and rotate your torso to the right and your left shoulder to your right knee. Continue alternating.

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