Home Nutrition Eating Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to Cancer in Study

Eating Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to Cancer in Study

by Universalwellnesssystems


  • Studies show that people who eat a lot of ultra-processed foods are more likely to develop cancer.
  • For every 10% increase in ultra-processed foods in the diet, there is a 2% increase in cancer risk.
  • Ultra-processed foods include packaged snacks, reconstituted meat products, and prepared foods.

Studies show that people who eat large amounts of ultra-processed foods are more likely to develop cancer.

The study was conducted over 10 years and included nearly 200,000 participants in the UK with an average age of 58 years. The researchers compared whether he developed 34 types of cancer and how much UPF they took in him.

In this study, UPF included products such as soft drinks, mass-produced industrial processed breads, sweet or savory packaged snacks, breakfast cereals, reconstituted meat products, and ready-made meals. It was

According to the British Heart Foundation charity, ultra processed food “It usually has five or more ingredients and includes industrial substances such as preservatives, emulsifiers, sweeteners, artificial colors and flavors.”

This is the latest research to find a link with diet UPFforms a large part of the diet of people in countries including the United States and the United Kingdom, specific illness.

that is US-based research Last year, men who consumed the highest levels of UPF were found to be 29% more likely to develop colorectal cancer.

Researchers in a British study concluded that middle-aged adults who ate a lot of UPF had a higher risk of getting UPF. cancer In general, not only certain types of diseases, such as brain tumors, ovarian cancer.

For every 10% increase in ultra-processed foods in participants’ diets, the risk of cancer rose by 2%, and the risk of ovarian cancer rose to 19%, the researchers stressed.

A person’s chance of dying from cancer also increased with more UPF intake. For every 10% increase, he had a 6% higher risk of death, a 16% higher risk of breast cancer, and a 30% higher risk of ovaries.

Kiara Chan, Ph.D., author of the study published in the journal electronic clinical medicine, Press release: “The average person in the UK gets more than half of their daily energy intake from ultra-processed foods.”

ultra processed food It is ubiquitous and highly marketed with cheap prices and attractive packaging to encourage consumption. This demonstrates the urgent need to reform our food environment to protect our citizens from ultra-processed foods. ”

More research needed on UPF and cancer, experts say

Tom Saunders, Emeritus Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics at King’s College London, UK, who was not involved in the study, said that between those who eat the most UPF and those who eat the least. said there were a number of statistically significant differences in being obese, including whether they smoked or exercised, making it “statistically almost impossible” to account for them in the study.

He said that this kind of research “could help pick out some new risk factors for further investigation.” It is difficult.”

Dr Simon Steenson, nutrition scientist at the British Nutrition Foundation charity, who was not involved in the study, said:

Poor diets are often “high in energy and saturated fat.

He continued, “The problem with the UPF concept is that this category offers key nutrients, such as packaged whole-grain breads that contain fiber and essential vitamins and minerals, or high-fiber, low-sugar breakfast cereals. It may also include foods that are commonly consumed.”

These types of foods “can form an important part of food. healthy and balanced diet It provides affordable and widely available options that can form the basis of a nutritious diet,” he said.

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