Home Nutrition Eating Almonds Boots Gut Health, New Study Says — Best Life

Eating Almonds Boots Gut Health, New Study Says — Best Life

by Universalwellnesssystems

it’s not your secret food selection It has a huge impact on your health: Everything from your weight to the quality of your sleep can be traced back to the food on your table. One of the reasons diet is so important to your health is because what you eat affects you. Your Gut, or Microbiome.

Gut health is closely related to almost every aspect of health. brain function, risk of chronic disease, weight managementWhen quality of sleepThere are many foods that are good for gut health, but new research highlights the surprising health benefits of common snacks. Read on to find out how it can boost your overall health.

Please read the following: Are you trying to lose weight?Your success depends on this, says new study.


If you’re looking for better ways to manage your weight or improve your sleep, consider eating a gut-friendly diet.

The bacteria in your gut (also called the microbiome) are Over 50 trillion bacteria—some are good and some are bad. Consuming a plant-based diet rich in fermented foods with fiber, prebiotics, and probiotics nourishes the “good” bacteria, allowing them to thrive and contribute to excellent overall health. On the other hand, eating processed foods promotes the growth of harmful bacteria, which can have a negative impact on your health.

The balance of good bacteria and bad bacteria in the intestines has a great influence some aspects of your health Contributes to weight management and sleep, including metabolism, immune function.

Please read the following: Sleeping like this increases your risk of stroke by 85%, study says.

bowl of almonds

Instead of reaching for a chip bag or cookie jar the next time you crave a snack, do your microbiome a favor and grab a handful of almonds. Kendra WeeklyRD, Registered Dietitian Human Nutrition Center at Cleveland Clinic,To tell best life“Almonds are an amazing food that offer many benefits to different parts of the body. Almonds contain healthy fats, proteins, fiber and micronutrients that benefit the intestines and other organs.”

A recent study published in Journal of Clinical Nutrition We investigated the effects of almonds on the gut microbiota. Researchers found that eating 56 grams of almonds (approximately 46 almonds) each day improved gut health by promoting levels of butyric acid, a short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) produced by microbial fermentation of dietary fiber in the lower intestinal tract. found that it can improve the health of

person eating almonds

While the study found that almond consumption did not change the amount of bifidobacteria (a healthy probiotic in the gut), the researchers found that eating more almonds increased butyric acid production. observed. some health benefitsFor example, this gut-friendly SCFA is anti-inflammatory and Protection against colon cancerand strengthens the cells lining your gut—which in turn Supports your intestinal blood barrier It prevents bacteria and other microorganisms from entering the blood.

“Butyrate is produced when bacteria in the gut break down fiber in the colon. Butyrate is the main source of energy for happy colon cells, so the more butyrate that is supplied to the colon, the more efficient it will be. It works effectively and efficiently,” explains Weekly. .

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almond milk next to a bowl of almonds
Anastasia Pokryatska/Shutterstock

Even if you don’t like almonds per se, you can still reap the health benefits of these nuts by consuming almond butter or using almond flour. it’s different. In this study, the participant took her 28 grams of almonds twice daily for four weeks. Using this metric, 1-2 servings of almond butter or almond flour are safe and beneficial for gut health.

“Almonds, in addition to a balanced diet with other nutritious foods, can promote a healthy gut microbiome and aid sleep and metabolism,” says Weekly. Numerous studies have linked gut health and improved sleep quality, and almonds are slow to digest, helping you feel fuller for longer. weight loss.”

However, be careful not to eat too many almonds. Almonds are high in calories due to their high fat content, so eating too many of them can lead to unintended weight gain.

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