Home Nutrition Eat Right: Love your junk food? Here are the ingredients that are wrecking your gut health

Eat Right: Love your junk food? Here are the ingredients that are wrecking your gut health

by Universalwellnesssystems

The increasing consumption of junk food, especially among children and adolescents, has become a public health problem with an incidence of approximately 70% worldwide. Ready-to-eat, processed and preserved junk foods are rapidly replacing traditional foods and impacting people’s health.

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Junk food is used interchangeably with fast food to refer to foods that are readily available, nutrient deficient, and usually inexpensive. Junk foods high in calories, salt, and saturated fat are linked to many serious health problems, including diabetes, obesity, stroke, heart attack, and dementia. cancerAnd the lack of iron, calcium, and fiber in these foods exacerbates their detrimental effects. Common examples of junk food include sodas, potato chips, desserts, chocolate, canned foods, and other processed and packaged foods.

What makes junk food dangerous?

When you eat junk food, the high glycemic index of refined flour/maida, added sweeteners, and emulsifiers (particularly palm oil) found in these foods floods your bloodstream with glucose without nutrients, fiber, or phytochemicals. increase.

In addition, high amounts of acrylamide and end-glycation end products in baked foods can cause an increase in glycoproteins in tissues.

The detrimental effects of junk food stem from the common ingredients used in processed and junk food preparations and how they affect the gut microbiota.

The microbiome refers to the community of trillions of microorganisms (mostly bacteria), and viruses, fungi, and protozoa (to a lesser extent) that live in the human gastrointestinal tract in proportion or proportion. A balanced gut microbiome, or flora, is important because it helps maintain digestive health and regulate the immune system. ) can lead to multiple health problems such as inflammatory bowel disease, Allergic diseases, metabolic diseases (such as obesity and diabetes), neurodevelopmental diseases, etc.

Now let’s discuss how common ingredients found in junk food can individually play a role in disrupting gut health.

white powder

Studies suggest that replacing refined grains with whole grains has positive effects on the gut microbiome and acute innate immune response, as well as other benefits. This is due to the fact that refined wheat flour loses all of its fiber, vitamins and minerals during processing, which has been associated with an increased prevalence of constipation, malnutrition and digestive disorders.

Also, high glycemic index, high refined carbohydrate content, and low cereal fiber in refined wheat flour or maida are strongly associated with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome.

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS)

Introduced in 1970, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is America’s worst gift to the world. Widely used as a packaged sucrose substitute. processed food In carbonated drinks, fruit drinks, canned fruit, baked goods, jams, jellies and even dairy products, HFCS was favored among manufacturers for its higher sweetness and lower price.

Unfortunately, HFCS is an unhealthy alternative associated with cardiovascular disease and gut health-related problems. When it comes to gut health, excessive fructose intake (particularly in refined sugars and fruit juices) alters the composition of the gut microbiota and impairs gut barrier function through a series of inflammatory responses. The inflammatory response induced by high-dose fructose intake also has a significant impact on the formation and maintenance of gut microbiota homeostasis. The observation that gut barrier disruption caused by gut microbiota or alterations in the microbiota is associated with an increased risk of diseases related to gut health and autoimmunity is concerning.


Yes salt Diets such as junk food can lead to decreased excretion of digestive enzymes from the host. The composition can also change. This may lead to increased abundance of Ruminococcus and Lachnospiraceae and decreased abundance of Lactobacillus.

Decreased abundance of Lactobacillus spp. HSD uptake is important as it is associated with various inflammatory diseases due to decreased intestinal permeability and immune homeostasis.

coconut oil

Because palm oil is saturated, it is a favorite choice of nearly all processed food manufacturers, and foods processed with saturated fat have a longer shelf life. One reason is that foods processed with saturated fat have a longer shelf life.

However, it also has a negative side in terms of health hazards.Researchers have found high levels of saturation fatty acid Excessive intake of these fats is known to have a detrimental effect on the gut microbiome, making the fats found in palm oil an unhealthy choice.

This is an important finding because the gut microbiome is also involved in risk regulation of several chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease and cardiovascular disease. cancer.

in a nutshell

With no nutrition to provide and multiple health risks, Junk Food Ask for complete refusal, especially for growing children. When it comes to junk food, taste is a trap. Also, the increased intake of junk food reflects the increased prevalence of various metabolic disorders. Remember, there is no substitute for fresh, home-cooked food. So try to avoid junk food as much as possible.

Manjari Chandra is a Consultant, Functional Nutrition and Nutritional Medicine, Manjari Wellness, New DelhiHer column is published every other week

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