Home Mental Health Dwayne Johnson reveals he has struggled with ‘two, three bouts of depression’

Dwayne Johnson reveals he has struggled with ‘two, three bouts of depression’

by Universalwellnesssystems

Dwayne Johnson, also known as “The Rock,” is a former professional wrestler and now a popular Hollywood actor.of 51 years old He’s always been candid about his struggles, just as he opened up about his mental health in a recent episode. pivot podcast. “He had two or three bouts of depression over the years,” Johnson said.

remembering the first battle depression “Football games were a big thing for him,” he said when a shoulder injury ended his college football career. “I didn’t want to go to school. I was ready to leave.

But at the time, Johnson didn’t know what it was. He said, “He didn’t know what mental health was. I didn’t know what depression was. I just didn’t want to be there, I didn’t want to go to team meetings, I didn’t want to participate in anything,” he said, adding that his inability to exercise due to injury made him who he is today. rice field. As an athlete, he will go through even tougher situations.

He experienced a second depression when he divorced his ex-wife, Dany Garcia. “I went through the same thing again a few years later when I got divorced…I didn’t know what it was,” Johnson said.

of black adam Starr then reflected on his third match. depression in 2017. “[I] I knew what it was then. And luckily, at the time, I had a few friends that I could turn to and say, “Hey, I’m feeling a little dizzy right now.” A little fight is going on. You see a bit of gray instead of blue,” Johnson said.

It was his three daughters who saved him during his mental health problems. actor Admitted. “Because you look at them and you’re like, ‘Oh, I mean, this is really all there is to it.'”

After the podcast episode was released, Johnson took to Instagram to share how he’s struggled for years to find the emotional tools to work through his emotional pain. “Years ago, though, I didn’t know what mental health struggles were. As men, we didn’t talk about it. We just put our heads down and got through it.” .”

He suggested anyone with mental health issues talk to someone. “You can’t heal by keeping the pain inside. Having the courage to talk to someone is your superpower. I lost two friends to suicide. Tell someone. How you feel.” But you are never alone,” he added.

Dr Harsha GT, a consultant and psychiatrist at Manipal Hospital, Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore, spoke of such depressive episodes and said depression and depressive disorders are not ongoing illnesses. “This is usually temporary and can last six to eight months if left untreated. be treated for suicideand also to prevent further depressive episodes,” he said.

Dr. Sachin Bariga, a psychiatric consultant at Fortis Hospital, Bannergatta Road, Bangalore, concurred, stating, “A bout of depression is characterized by a prolonged period of persistent sadness, low mood, and low energy levels. , lack of self-esteem and self-confidence, poor feelings concentration, having a markedly negative view of things, feelings of worthlessness, and recurring thoughts of death. This is accompanied by significant changes (increase or decrease) in sleep and appetite. “

Dr Harsha said depression can impair attention and concentration, impair memory and affect cognition. “It can cause feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, indecision and, in severe cases, suicidal thoughts and thoughts,” said the psychiatrist, noting that depression can lead to headaches, gastrointestinal symptoms, and physical symptoms. As well as decreased or increased sleep, decreased or increased appetite, and a variety of other symptoms, she added, which can also cause certain noticeable physical symptoms such as pain, excessive fatigue, and low energy.

“When the same thing happens over and over again, it can put you at risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes and other chronic diseases. When depressive episodes occur multiple times, it’s called recurrent depressive disorder.” ‘ said the expert.

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