Home Medicine Duke-NUS inducts nine exceptional clinician-e

Duke-NUS inducts nine exceptional clinician-e

by Universalwellnesssystems

Image: Duke-NUS Medical School inducted nine outstanding clinicians from the SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Center (AMC) into the school’s prestigious Masters Academic Clinician Hall of Fame (Outstanding Clinical The school’s highest award for teachers). February 2023.
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Credit: Duke-NUS Medical School

Singapore, 23 February 2023 – Duke-NUS Medical School today welcomed nine outstanding clinicians from SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Center (AMC) to the school’s prestigious Master Academic Clinician Hall— The school’s highest rating for outstanding clinical faculty.

“Our Master Academic Clinicians may practice in a variety of specialties, but they advance the mission of academic medicine while simultaneously mastering clinical skills to provide the best care for their patients. We have one thing in common: a passion for things.” Professor Thomas M. Coffman, Dean of the Duke-NUS College of Medicine. “With their dedication to patient care, they are beacons within the healthcare system, guiding and encouraging peers and young physicians alike and inspiring the next generation of Clinicians Plus. .”

Established in 2021, the Hall of Masters Academic Clinicians trains and mentors medical students and young clinicians, honoring outstanding clinicians who pursue academic excellence to improve the lives of patients in Singapore and beyond . Inductees are nominated by the Chair of the Academic Clinical Program (ACP) and selected by a panel of SingHealth Duke-NUS AMC leaders following a rigorous and competitive selection process.

This year’s cohort was first cohort 2021 and Second cohort In 2022, it will consist of the following individuals (listed in alphabetical order):

  1. Professor Pierce Chow Kah Hoe, Oncology and Surgery ACP
  2. Chua Yeow Leng, ACP Clinical Associate Professor of Cardiology
  3. Ho Tew Hong, Clinical Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology ACP
  4. Koo Wen Hsin Associate Professor, Oncology ACP
  5. Lim Boon Leng, Associate Professor, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Science ACP
  6. London Lucien Ooi Peng Jin, Professor, Surgery ACP
  7. C Rajasoorya, Clinical Professor, Medicine ACP
  8. Tan Ah Moy, Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatrics and Oncology ACP
  9. Doric Wong Wen Kuan, Clinical Associate Professor, Ophthalmology and Vision Science ACP

Mr. Goh Yew Lin, Chairman of the Steering Committee of Duke-NUS College of Medicine, attended the special ceremony held at the Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium in Academia, SGH Campus. He is Cheng Wai Keung, chairman of SingHealth. Senior leader of both Duke-NUS and SingHealth.

The nine enrollees represent eight of the fifteen SingHealth Duke-NUS ACPs established to facilitate residency training in specific clinical specialties for Duke-NUS students upon graduation. This year’s Hall of Fame inductees hail from Singapore General Hospital, Singapore National Cancer Centre, Singapore National Heart Centre, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Seng Kang General Hospital and Singapore National Eye Centre.

In addition to introducing the Master Academic Clinician, the event also honored 17 former and original academic chairs of the SingHealth Duke-NUS ACP and 20 senior clinical faculty newly appointed or associate professors and full professors. admitted to being promoted to Professor Coffman highlighted the contributions of the former ACP Chairs to advancing the mission of SingHealth Duke-NUS AMC and commended the academic achievements of the newly appointed or promoted clinical faculty. He commended all the outstanding mentors who were honored at the ceremony.

Finally, he said to the group: AMC’s quality and standing are based on your dedication, service and achievements. “

For more information about the Duke-NUS’ Hall of Master Academic Clinicians, please visit: our dedicated page and see this video.

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