Home Nutrition “Drinking Too Much Plain Water Can Harm Your Health” — Here’s What to Drink Instead to Have More Energy + Lose Weight

“Drinking Too Much Plain Water Can Harm Your Health” — Here’s What to Drink Instead to Have More Energy + Lose Weight

by Universalwellnesssystems

Almost every doctor and nutrition expert on the planet recommends drinking water. This also seems to be the only thing that all non-experts, from keto meat eaters to leafy plant eaters, agree on. It’s no surprise, considering that about 60% of our bodies are made up of water. Still, most of us don’t get enough of the right kind of water for optimal bodily function. And as a result, we are tired, dizzy, constipated, and lugging around a few pounds.

In fact, dehydration has reached epidemic proportions for middle-aged and older women. Claims that 95% of women over 40 are dehydrated Dr. Howard Muradauthor of water secrets. “As we age, stress, unbalanced diets, and environmental toxins damage the body’s cell membranes, weakening their ability to retain water,” he explains.. “This damage leads to subclinical dehydration and subsequent fatigue, headaches, foggy minds, mystery cravings and weight gain.”

But as important as drinking water is to our health, proper hydration can be surprisingly elusive, especially as we age. As our cell membranes become less capable of pumping water into our cells, we need a special kind of water to reach a state of true hydration. That’s where “electrolyzed water” comes in.

What is electrolyzed water?

The most common contents of electrolyte water are: Electrolytes — Minerals that carry an electrical charge when dissolved in water and help activate cells in the body and optimize their overall function — sodium, potassium, magnesium, and more. In fact, electrolyte water has become so popular that manufacturers have produced versions with hundreds of flavors and variations that have disappeared from store shelves.

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What are drips?

One of the electrolyte powder brands that has made an unusually large amount of buzz is: IV solution. The name evokes images of being able to quickly inject health-boosting nutrients without painful needles or pricks, much like getting an intravenous injection in a hospital. Advertised as a “hydration doubler,” this powdered mineral mix comes in individual packets, also called “sticks,” that can be added to a bottle or glass of water.

Each packet promises to provide hydration twice as fast and more effectively than plain water alone. Tests show that these packets contain three times more electrolytes than traditional youth sports drinks such as Gatorade. Another electrolyte mix stick brand popular among keto lovers is LMNT.

Ready-made mineral mixes like this one are highly appreciated by hydration experts. “To help people rehydrate effectively and quickly, my first recommendation is an electrolyte drink mix made without added sugar,” affirms. Dr. Dana Cohen, author of quench. Her advice is, “Start salting water, not food.”

Why do we need electrolyzed water?

Electrolytes play many important roles inside the human body. These nutrients help nerves transmit electrical impulses, support muscle function, and prevent muscle spasms and fatigue. Electrolytes also help the body maintain a healthy pH balance and support the kidneys, which play an important role in filtering fluids and toxins.

nutrition expert Dr. Anne Louise Gittleman, new york times Best-selling author with over 35 books published. new fat flash planexplains, “Minerals are the spark plug for life, and adding electrolytes to water is the perfect hydration solution.”

“When we talk about dehydration, we often lose not just water, but electrolytes such as sodium and potassium that are important for body and cell function,” Dr. Cohen explains. As with drinking electrolyte waters like Liquid IV, “To properly replace what is lost through sweat, you need to not only replenish fluids, but electrolytes as well.”

And it’s not just people who exercise who benefit from electrolytes. Your body uses up minerals for a myriad of other reasons, including processing alcohol and sugar intake, during illness or treatment, pregnancy and breastfeeding, travel and stress.

Electrolyzed water and ordinary water

“Drinking too much plain water can actually harm our health and limit our body’s ability to drain important nutrients and electrolytes from our cells and tissues. ‘ explains Dr. Cohen. Researchers have found that our cells have a hard time absorbing normal water to reverse the chronic, low-level dehydration we experience every day but are unaware of. bottom.

when in fact Deficient in sodium, potassium and magnesium — We are dehydrated at the cellular level, as are many of us. And by the time we experience noticeable symptoms like thirst and weakness, we’ve already been dehydrated for some time. James DiNicolatonio, Ph.D., author of obesity correctionConcurring with Dr. Cohen, he said: “True hydration is replenishing water. plus Minerals are lost. “

How Electrolyzed Water Helps Weight Loss

Replenishing your body with minerals by drinking an electrolyte water like Liquid IV has another benefit. It’s about being able to control your desires. Studies show that when our bodies are deficient in water and minerals, we are more likely to overeat. “To get the salt our body needs, we seek out food like a bag of salted chips,” says Dr. DiNicolatonio.

Dr. Cohen argues that: “When we feel hungry, in fact, most of the time, dehydratedBut that feeling of hunger causes us to reach for food instead of hydrating liquids, and we lose the ability to sense what our body’s true thirst feels like. And this malfunction seems to only get worse over time. “After spending a lifetime learning to ignore thirst, the mechanism becomes paralyzed,” Dr. Cohen explains.

However, replenishing with minerals to achieve true hydration can help you slim down effortlessly. The evidence: A study at the University of California, Irvine found that people added electrolytes to their diets. lose 56 pounds in 6 weeks.

actress Donna Mills82 years old, the legendary star of the TV show “knot landingI am a fan of Electrolyte Power. she told us “I am becoming more and more aware of the importance of drinking water for my overall health. I try to drink at least two large bottles of water a day. Playing tennis helps. Every game, I go to the side and drink.Workout reminds me of drinking.I like to put lemon wedges or electrolyte powders in my water.”

How to make electrolyte water even better than Liquid IV

You can try the liquid drip pack yourself to achieve deep hydration unique to mineral water. buy on amazon ($24.66 for 16 servings) Alternatively, you can create your own electrolyte mixture and add it to your water at home. For historic recipes, we turned to the health and weight loss guru. Jorge Cruz, Best-selling author with over 20 books published. Cruz has been helping women control their cravings and achieve proper hydration for over 20 years.His secret weapon is his homemade recipe zero hunger water. Follow this recipe to make a batch of this DIY electrolyte mixture.


1/4 teaspoon salt (such as Redmond Real Salt)buy on amazon$10.84)

1/8 teaspoon potassium chloride powder (such as Nutricost) buy on amazon$23.94)

1/16 teaspoon magnesium glycinate powder (such as Doctor’s Best), buy on amazon$17.07

1/4 teaspoon glycine powder (such as Nutricost) buy on amazon$21.95), option


Add all ingredients to an empty water bottle and mix well. Add 16 oz. Add filtered water and shake. Drink throughout the day to curb your appetite and top up as needed. Each bottle contains approximately 500 mg. sodium, 500 mg. Glycine, 200 mg. Potassium and 60mg. of magnesium. For optional flavors, add 1 bag of real orange, grapefruit or lime crystallized flavor and sweeten with stevia or monkfruit. You can also add this mix to other drinks such as iced tea or iced tea. Mocktail.

Cruises recommend drinking approximately 32 ounces of electrolyzed water every two hours. As always, women who: high blood pressure You should consult your doctor before changing your sodium intake.

The three electrolytes in this recipe (sodium, potassium, and magnesium) are familiar to most people, but one thing on the list may sound new. it is an amino acid. glycine. “Glycine improves sodium absorption, thus enhancing the hydrating capacity of electrolyte water and countering false hunger sensations,” says Dr. DiNicolantonio. That’s why Cruz added glycine to her weight-loss Zero Hunger Water recipe. Cruz found that “glycine makes electrolyte water three times more potent than he did, helping people control underlying hunger.”

Proving the slimming power of electrolyzed water

Mr. Cruz has been amazed at the slimming effect his clients have had using this electrolyte water recipe. “I see this as a fat cure for those over 50,” Cruz says. He routinely sees his clients lose up to two pounds per day following his hydration advice. in fact, Sandy RosserA 60-year-old man from Fayetteville, North Carolina, lost 95 pounds on electrolyte water on a cruise. she says: “The calorie counting never addressed the root of my problem: mineral deficiencies!”

‘The constant craving for carbohydrates, sweets, and salty snacks is actually a ‘false hunger’ caused by an electrolyte imbalance,’ Cruz summarizes.

Listen to “Zero Hunger Guy” by Jorge Cruz for more. podcast Sign up for the free Zero Hunger Water Club and get support at: Zero hanger water.com.

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