Home Fitness Does the time of day you choose to exercise impact health?

Does the time of day you choose to exercise impact health?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Does the time of day you exercise affect your health? To answer these questions, researchers at the University of Sydney in Australia have published the results of a study. new research It was published last week. The results suggest that doing most of your physical activity in the evening may have significant health benefits, especially for people living with obesity.

The study, which followed 30,000 people over nearly eight years, found that those who did the majority of moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise Between 6pm and midnight They had the lowest risk of early death and cardiovascular disease.

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Dr. Jagadish J. Hiremath, a Bangalore-based public health expert, said, “Evening physical activity can significantly improve health outcomes, especially in managing obesity and cardiovascular health.” says.

This timing takes advantage of the body’s natural physiological state at the end of the day, when metabolism begins to slow down. Engaging in activity during this period helps maintain a high metabolic rate, prolonging the period during which the body’s energy expenditure increases and making more efficient use of glucose, which if not metabolized can cause blood sugar levels to rise. says.

Additionally, muscle strength and flexibility may peak in the late afternoon and evening due to increased body temperature, so exercise during these times may be more effective and reduce muscle weakness. Dr. Hiremas agrees. Risk of injury.

Celebration benefits

Physiological basis for increasing the effectiveness of night exercise

According to Dr. Hiremas, circadian rhythms, or body clocks, regulate a variety of biological functions, including hormone release, muscle function, and metabolism.

The evening is when certain hormones, such as testosterone and growth hormone, increase, which aid in metabolism and muscle repair.exercise during this period Take advantage of these natural hormone increasesimprove the body’s ability to build muscle and burn fat.

She added that insulin sensitivity naturally increases as the day progresses, peaking in the afternoon and evening. Therefore, physical activity during this time maximizes glucose uptake into the muscles and liver, lowering overall blood sugar levels. This is an important factor for people with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.

exercise, evening The evening is when certain hormones, such as testosterone and growth hormone, increase, which aid in metabolism and muscle repair. (Source: Freepik)

Impact of timing of physical activity on overall health impact

Dr. Hiremas acknowledges, “The timing of your exercise not only affects your physical health, but also your mental and emotional health.” Regular physical activity, regardless of time of day, is known to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. ”

However, you can increase these benefits by aligning your exercise with your natural physiological rhythms. For example, evening exercise can help regulate your body’s stress hormones, including: cortisolIt naturally decreases towards the end of the day, promoting relaxation and helping to prepare the body for a restful sleep.

Points to note when exercising at night

While there are significant benefits to exercising at night, Dr. Hiremas stresses that it’s important to consider the type of activity and how it affects your sleep. Intense exercise stimulates the body and increases heart rate and body temperature, but moving too close to bedtime can prevent you from falling asleep.

To avoid this, he recommends doing vigorous activity at least 1 to 2 hours before bed, or choosing a moderate to light activity that provides health benefits without overstimulating the body. . Activities include yoga, gentle cycling, or a leisurely walk. ideal night practice Promotes health without interfering with sleep patterns.

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