Home Medicine Doctors’ Sacrifices; Dental Robots; and Falling Monkeypox Cases

Doctors’ Sacrifices; Dental Robots; and Falling Monkeypox Cases

by Universalwellnesssystems

Are doctors making too many sacrifices?

Nearly three out of four U.S. physicians Medscape Vote They say they see the practice of medicine not as a good profession or job, but as a vocation.

In addition, studies show that physicians who view their profession as their vocation go the extra mile to help patients in need, work longer hours, put their patients’ well-being ahead of themselves, and spend more time in their homes and homes for their patients. It has been shown that they are more likely to sacrifice family time. Care.

Pros and Cons: The study also shows that physicians who view medicine as a vocation may be at higher risk of neglecting themselves and their families, but find their work more rewarding and experience less burnout.

Special Expert: Experts were slightly more likely to say they were willing to go the extra mile for patients in need.

Tooth brushing, flossing micro robot

The twice-daily brushing and flossing routine could one day be automated using tiny micro-robots. new research From the University of Pennsylvania.

Using magnetic fields, scientists assembled nanoparticles into tiny brush-like robotic structures to precisely remove biofilms, networks of bacteria and other sticky substances from tooth surfaces.

Robots are coming: The team is packaging the technology into a consumer-friendly prototype and hopes to complete it within a year. But it will probably take several more years of testing before the robot is ready for commercial use.

Possible game changers: The technology, if fully developed, could be a game-changer for people with disabilities, the elderly, or anyone who lacks manual skills to manage oral health, study says. Hyun (Michel) Koo, author and founding director of DDS. Center for Innovation and Precision Dentistry at the University of Pennsylvania. These populations will likely be the first to try the device, followed by others.

WHO reports global decline in monkeypox cases

The World Health Organization (WHO) said the number of globally reported monkeypox cases fell 21% last week after a month of rising infections. said on thursday.

WHO declared the outbreak a global health emergency in July. To date, more than 41,000 monkeypox cases and her 12 deaths have been reported from 96 countries, with the majority of cases from the United States.

Declines in Europe: According to WHO’s latest epidemiological report, the decline in the number of cases may indicate that outbreaks are declining in the European region.

rising in we: Still, about 20 countries saw an increase in weekly cases, with the highest increase reported in the United States.

Regions of the Americas continue to see heavy transmission, accounting for 60% of cases last month.

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