Home Products Doctors reveal why Gen-Z women like Sabrina Carpenter are aging SO badly, but men look younger than ever…  and it’s for VERY different reasons

Doctors reveal why Gen-Z women like Sabrina Carpenter are aging SO badly, but men look younger than ever…  and it’s for VERY different reasons

by Universalwellnesssystems

Many of Show Business’s brightest starlets have been turning their heads these days, but for the right reasons.

Sabrina Carpenter, Kylie Jenner, Bella Thorne and Olivia Rodrigo are all in their 20s, but commentators have recorded that they’ve been at least 10 years old.

It’s not just female celebrities who are older than they are. Experts say this trend is permeating Gen-Z.

Also, although there are many factors, excessive use of injectables such as Botox and fillers is one of the main perpetrators.

Daily Mail spoke to top plastic experts to understand why these steps are backfired and what other pitfalls are.

Dr. Auriel Willett, an associate professor specializing in aging studies at Rutgers University in New Jersey, says Botox and Filler are young women who are too early to take starting shots as teenagers.

Dermal fillers are injectable substances used to restore volume and improve facial contours. Dr Willett warns them of overuse At younger ages, you can “stretch the skin”, leading to a bulging complexion and a “pillow face.”

Dr. Mary Gallet, who practices plastic surgery in Los Angeles, agrees.

Young stars have been turning their heads recently – but not for the right reason. Celebrities such as 25-year-old Sabrina Carpenter look “at least 10 years or more” than last year’s star, commentators say

Michelle Pfeiffer looked fresh at 25 years old

Carpenter has a more mature look at the same age

Michelle Pfeiffer (left) looked fresh at 25 years old compared to the more mature look of Carpenter at the same age

She explains that the injections will overstain the skin and damage it, meaning that it will produce less collagen and elastin to maintain youth.

When the filler wears out, the skin will not be able to shrink.

‘[It] It speeds up the aging process,” she says.

The most popular areas of dermatological fillers include lips, cheeks and undereyes.

The number of women using them has nearly tripled in the US over the past decade. In 2010, 1.8 million injectable procedures were implemented, but in 2023 it increased to 5.3 million.

The most popular dermatological filler brands are Juvederm, Restylane and Sculptra. They are all made using hyaluronic acid, a natural ingredient in the skin, and experts say it provides a more natural look.

Filler procedures are allegedly costing between $700 and $900 per syringe to make the skin plump, depending on the provider and location. It can also be used to outline your face when added to areas such as your chin, chin, and cheeks.

In addition to fillers, excess Botox is off as another contributor to speed.

Dr. Willett of Rutgers University warns that chemical neurotoxins temporarily paralyze muscles, which can weaken certain areas of the face over time. It can also lead to an older look rather than a youthful look.

The difference is obvious if the photo of Natalie Portman on 28 is set alongside Bella Thorne at the same age

Thorne only talked about getting a microneedle and laser that helps to cure acne-prone skin.

The same difference is seen when the image of Natalie Portman at 28 is set alongside the portrait of Bella Thorne, who is of the same age.

Mila Kunis of 27 looks younger with her rounded traits, in contrast to Kylie Jenner at her age

Jenner has a more distinct bone structure, surgeons say women can get older than them

Mila Kunis (left) looks young with rounded features in contrast to Kylie Jenner, who is the same age at 27.

“We’ve seen a lot of different things,” explains Dr. James Jins, a facial plastic surgeon based at the Cleveland Clinic. “Botox actually blocks neural communication between the nerves and muscles, causing weakening or paralysis of that muscle.

“If it is used for a long period of time, it can cause muscle atrophy and muscle waste.

“It’s been used in calves, for example, by people who have big calves and want to make them slimmer.”

Dr. Jennifer Levine is one of New York City’s top plastic surgeons and has over 20 years of experience. With Botox and Filler, she The rise of Ozempic and other weight loss pills has been linked to women having a gaunter, older appearance.

“The stars are under pressure to maintain a thin frame at all times, but the increase in GLP-1 drugs [such as Ozempic] Many women have reduced the size,” she says. “When you’re thinner, we associate full faces with young people, so your face tends to get older.”

Supporting Dr. Levine’s claims, TV star and personal trainer Gillian Michaels recently conducted her own research into the aging effects of Ozempics, making her frighten at what she found.

Overuse of filler and Botox was taken out as a culprit (stock image).

Overuse of filler and Botox was taken out as a culprit (stock image).

She revealed that her Beverly Hills plastic surgeon told her that some of the celebrity patients with GLP-1 drugs were “aging rapidly”;

He said that not only does their skin get older, they actually lose elasticity, increase wrinkles, and slow healing.

Michaels said that even connective tissue or SMA (surface musculostomasourostouria system) that structurally support the face was thinning and weakening.

After further investigation, she concluded: “GLP-1 drugs appear to accelerate the degradation of structural proteins such as collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid at an incredible rate.”

She cited studies suggesting that GLP-1 drugs potentially deactivate adipose-derived stem cells in the upper dermis layer. These cells play an important role in skin integrity as they release messengers that stimulate fibroblasts and produce major building blocks that maintain youthful, resilient skin.

So the combination of weight loss pills and overkill fillers can be just a recipe for accelerated aging, experts say.

But why do men look younger?

Oddly, women are older than ever, but the opposite can be said for men.

From Tom Holland’s teen-like glow to nearly 30 glows to the boyish look of 34 Thomas Brody Sangsters, experts say that today’s male stars look younger than ever.

And it’s not just Hollywood.

Dr Willett of Rutgers University told the Daily Mail that he believes the increased amount of estrogen in his environment is behind a man who has long maintained youthful looks.

He claims that steroid hormones associated with female reproductive organs and responsible for the development of female sexual traits are leached into tap water through contraceptive debris and agricultural spills in wastewater.

There has been a huge amount of research into the harmful effects of environmental estrogens, but little is known about the long-term outcome.

Robert De Niro of 48 looks almost 10 years older than Chilean Murphy at the same age

Murphy, 48, is known for his boyish looks.

Robert De Niro, 48 (left) is the same age (right), and looks almost ten years older than Chilean Murphy. Murphy is known for his boyish looks, which hasn’t changed much over the years

John Travolta looks like he could be Thomas Brody Sangster's father when compared side by side at age 34

Brodie-Sangster's skin looks younger than Travolta did at 34 years old

It appears that 34-year-old John Travolta (left) could become Thomas Brody Sangster’s father despite the fact that he is the same age in these photos

Some studies have found that estrogens have altered the sex of fish when the surrounding water levels are too high. One review concluded that estrogen monitoring in drinking water treatment plants was inadequate.

Many plastic products can also release chemicals that mimic estrogen and cause the same effect, experts argue.

This includes everything from fast food cartons to sippy cups. This means that men are exposed to these artificial hormones at very young ages.

Due to the increase in environmental estrogens, Dr. Willett believes that men can develop “softer, less robust features.”

The typical testosterone to estrogen ratio in men is generally thought to be around 10:1 to 20:1, with every 10-20 units of testosterone, there is one unit of estrogen.

However, Dr. Willett says that when the formula is currently being destroyed, estrogen can increase in male bodies, soften the appearance of the face, and reduce muscle mass.

estrogen, Dr. Willett also helps to support the elasticity of the skin and prevents sagging complexion.

High estrogen levels can be a factor in men who look younger than ever, but Dr. Willett emphasizes that other contributors that slow aging include genetics, diet and lifestyle.

He points out that people are health-conscious today more than ever, saying, “men are trying to add protein to their diet, maintain hydration and achieve a consistent sleep — a key factor in collagen production and skin repair.”

Co-owner Dr. Alexander Blinsky Plumpa chain of non-invasive cosmetic injection clinics in New York, said more men than ever were looking for Botox and filler.

As our experts explain, these injections tend to age women, but some say they have the opposite effect on men due to the various methods that two genders tend to use.

Dr. Blinski says that “Bro-Tox” is one of his most popular requests from men, and one of his most popular requests, along with cheek and chin fillers for a more youthful but defined appearance.

Dr. Blinski says he saw a surge in interest in health and longevity, beyond aesthetics.

Michael Douglas, 28, appears to be 10 years older than Tom Holland, who is the same age, with lines, hair and sideburns on his forehead

The Netherlands is approaching 30, but he maintains his boyish looks

Michael Douglas, 28 (left) appears to be 10 years older than Tom Holland, who is the same age (right).

Jack Nicholson, 43, already had a repetitive hairline, a bag under the forehead line and under the eyes

Today, 43-year-old Rami Marek is often praised for his youthful looks.

Rami Marek (right), 43, is often praised for his youth. At the same age, Jack Nicholson (left) was already sporting a receding hairline, a pronounced line on his forehead, and a missing bag

29-year-old Bill Murray looked far beyond his age thanks to his skin

Timothy Chalamet of 29 still looks boyish

Bill Murray, depicted here in 29, looks significantly older than Timothy Chalamett, at his same age. Murray’s refreshing skin is a sad comparison with Chalamett’s boyish looks.

“Evasion of aging accelerators like diet, exercise, smoking and alcohol is essential to the number of men who are approaching aging at present,” he says. ‘result? Men today are not only aging more slowly, but they are redefining aging. Comparing them to the stars of the ’80s and ’90s may seem jarring, but it emphasizes that lifestyle and science have collectively sourced standards for what “aged aging” really means.

Plastic Surgeon Dr. LevineOn the other hand, he says that hair repair treatment is another reason why men look better.

“Men are now taking measurements to keep their hair full and especially to be famous,” she said. “These treatments are very good, effective and often cannot be found. In our practice, we provide platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) hair repair. This is a non-operative treatment that uses the patient’s own blood to stimulate hair growth. Sylfirm X is another highly unpopular non-surgical alopecia treatment that uses radioactive frequency microneedles to stimulate hair follicles.

For the most impressive results, Dr. Levine proposes hair transplants, which cost up to $15,000 and require more downtime.

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