Home Mental Health Doctors have a new way to treat postpartum depression

Doctors have a new way to treat postpartum depression

by Universalwellnesssystems

Doctors discover new treatment for postpartum depression approved by the Federal Drug Administration

HARTFORD, Connecticut —
Doctors have found a new way to treat postpartum depression in women.

this is, FDA It was launched in August last year, but supplies have only just started coming in recently.

Amber Diaz spoke with the doctor about how it works and why many are calling it a groundbreaking advancement in postpartum care.

“In fact, it’s one of the most common complications that occurs during pregnancy, more so than any other complication!”

Dr Ariadna Foray is speaking about postnatal depression, a condition that is said to affect up to 20% of women after giving birth.

If you’re a new mom, these symptoms may sound familiar.

“If someone isn’t sleeping when the baby is sleeping, it could be a sign of a change in appetite, feelings of worthlessness, intense guilt, and of course in very severe cases, it could also include thoughts of not wanting to continue living or wanting to harm oneself,” Foley said.

However, new medical advances are offering new hope and treatments.

Within the past few months, my doctor has begun prescribing me a new medication called Suranaron, the first drug approved by the FDA to treat postpartum depression.

“Essentially, it’s a synthetic form of a natural metabolite of progesterone, which many people know is one of the hormones essential for pregnancy,” Forey said.

She says studies have already shown that women start feeling better within three days of taking the drug, compared with the four to eight weeks that other antidepressants can take to start working.

“The treatment period is only two weeks, which is also very unique,” she says.

Dr. Forey said patients have not reported any side effects so far, but women are having trouble accessing the drug because it is only available at a handful of pharmacies.

She also said that not all women can afford the treatment.

“To be prescribed this medication, women must develop depression in the third or second trimester or the first four weeks after giving birth, and they must be severely depressed,” Forey said.

Dr. Foley says it’s one thing to be able to take medication, but another to admit you have a problem, which is why she advises women to advocate for themselves and never be afraid to ask for help.

“The message I want to give to people is that it’s OK, it’s not perfect all the time, it’s hard, there’s help, you don’t have to suffer alone. There’s really good treatment available.”

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