Home Nutrition Do your vitamin and mineral supplements actually do anything? Here’s what experts say.

Do your vitamin and mineral supplements actually do anything? Here’s what experts say.

by Universalwellnesssystems

Experts emphasize a “food first” approach to nutrition. (Getty Images)

With cold and flu season in full swing, it’s time many Americans ditch one or more nutritional supplements in hopes of fending off illness.And it’s not just winter habits. . With nearly 58% of people over the age of 20, it’s routine for many. Reported use of at least one dietary supplement.

But do all these little pills. multi-billion dollar industry — do you actually do something?

supplements and food

Experts say food beats supplements as the best source of nutrition. Marilyn Tan, Ph.D., a clinical associate professor at Stanford University School of Medicine, explained the benefits of taking nutrients gradually throughout the day, rather than “taking a large amount of nutrients at once” in tablets.

“For example, as a nutrient from food, if you can get it throughout the day, I think it’s better absorbed. Because there’s a maximum amount your body can absorb at one time,” she said. ~ If you take more than 1,000 milligrams, your body will excrete it, and many vitamins are designed that way, so you can’t absorb a lot of them at once.”

According to Tan, most Americans already get the nutrients they need from food.

“Most people on a standard American diet, unless they’re on a very restrictive diet, get enough nutrients from their diet.” Although it can occur in certain conditions such as anemia, the average otherwise healthy American gets enough nutrients from their diet.

Lisa Moskovitz, Registered Dietitian, CEO of NY Nutrition Group, “Three Major Healthy Meal Plans” For those already on a relatively healthy diet, supplements probably won’t make much of a difference, and “can be a waste of money and really expensive urine” as the body excretes all the extra nutrients. For those who already get enough nutrients from their diet, adding vitamin supplements may not always give them the extra boost they expect.

“For example, if you already have enough levels in your body and you take a vitamin B12 supplement, you will feel more energy when you take vitamin B12 if you have enough vitamin B12 in your body to begin with. never,” she said. .

When are supplements suitable?

Pregnant woman with hands on her bare belly.

Folic acid is one of the supplements widely endorsed by public health experts due to its proven benefits during pregnancy. (Getty Images)

Experts emphasize a “food first” approach to nutrition. So, supplements should do just that and not make up for a bad diet. It can help fill nutritional gaps in certain cases, such as if you are restricted or have certain vitamin deficiencies that can be diagnosed by your doctor with a blood test.

For example, iron deficiency is not uncommon, especially in menstruating women or in people with causes of blood loss.

It can also be difficult for many people to get enough vitamin D from food alone. We get our vitamin D primarily from the sun, but if we wear too much sunscreen in the sun or don’t go outside enough, may not be well absorbedDarker and fairer skin can also affect vitamin D absorption.

“It’s very difficult to get enough of vitamin D from the diet. There aren’t many dietary sources for it,” Tan said. I can do it.”

Vitamin B12 is another example, she said.

And folic acid, a B vitamin, is one of the supplements widely endorsed by public health experts, even among supplement skeptics. Proven to prevent, the benefits of folic acid are most important during the early and weeks of fetal development, before many women realize they are pregnant. Recommended by CDC “All women of reproductive age should consume 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid daily, in addition to consuming folic acid-containing foods from a variety of diets.”

“The risk is too great to pass up for women who believe they are getting enough folic acid. [through their diet] But it’s not,” Moskovitz said. “That’s because research is so powerful.”

So, do supplements really work?

While folic acid supplements have proven benefits, the benefits of most other supplements are still inconclusive.

Researcher at Johns Hopkins University, 2013 posted an editorial One of the authors of an editorial entitled “Enough Is Enough: Stop Wasting Money on Vitamin and Mineral Supplements,” recommends no supplements other than folic acid for women who may become pregnant. said.

Earlier this year, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Publish updated guidance Vitamin, mineral, and multivitamin supplements are unlikely to prevent cancer or heart disease or affect overall mortality.

“Usually there is no harm in taking a multivitamin, but there are many studies on whether multivitamins can help improve things like mortality, quality of life, and well-being, but the definitive Nothing,” Tan said. “There are no good randomized controlled trials showing significant health benefits from taking multivitamins.”

Tan says that if you have a diagnosed deficiency that affects your health, such as a B12 deficiency that affects your memory, supplementing it can help. Merely taking supplements may not be very effective.

“For example, many studies have attempted to find out whether vitamin D helps with heart disease, or whether it helps with infectious diseases such as COVID.” There is no conclusive evidence that it helps people live longer.”

When it comes to using supplements to treat or shorten the duration of illnesses like the common cold, results are also mixed. Zinc is a mineral touted by some for its capabilities. possibly shorten the duration of colds If taken in lozenge form within the first 24 hours after the onset of symptoms, nothing has been conclusively provenSome studies have shown that zinc may shorten a cold by several days, but other studies have concluded that zinc does not affect the duration or severity of colds.

Most over-the-counter vitamin supplements are safe in limited amounts. But they are unlikely to cure your illness, Tan said.

“Are they going to necessarily cure or reverse the infection? No, probably not,” she said. “Nor is it a substitute for recommended treatments. [from your doctor]For example, if you have the flu and your doctor recommends taking Tamiflu because you are at high risk, taking vitamin C and zinc may help, but they are not a substitute for what your doctor recommends. not. ”

Are there too many good things?

A shopper browses a selection of vitamin supplements in a store.

Shoppers look at various vitamin supplements at a store in South Burlington, Vermont. (Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images)

Experts say it can also be too much of a good thing. Excess water-soluble vitamins are normally excreted in the urine, while excess fat-soluble vitamins remain in the body and can have adverse effects.

For example, long-term use of zinc in high doses can cause copper deficiency. High doses of vitamin A should not be taken during pregnancy as it may harm the fetus. Excess vitamin D can lead to unhealthy high calcium levels.

Some supplements can interfere with the effects of medications.

“If you are taking certain medications, be especially careful with herbal supplements like ashwagandha. [or] “Herbal supplements like St. John’s wort,” Moskovitz said. [or] Anxiolytic.Some Can Actually Interfere With Heart Medications [or] Blood thinner. That is why it is also very important to check with an expert. ”

How can you be sure you’re taking the right supplements?

Supplements are not regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration like pharmaceuticals.They are considered a subcategory of foodBecause it is not a drug, anything the manufacturer feels is safe can hit the market without prior FDA approval.

One way to ensure that the supplements you take live up to their claims is to look for ConsumerLab or United States Pharmacopeia labels that indicate the product has been quality tested and validated. If you’re making “miraculous claims” that you can improve your health, think of it as a grain of salt, Tan said.

Tan and Moskovitz say you should consult your healthcare provider before taking any supplements.

“For anyone looking to add more supplements to their diet, and wanting to look into it to see if it will benefit them, the first thing to do is to consult a specialist doctor or dietitian, especially a doctor who can order blood tests. It always helps,” Moskovitz said. Said. “Test your level before spending your hard earned money on things you don’t need and waste.”

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