Home Fitness Do You Need to Stretch Before and After a Workout? Experts Weigh In

Do You Need to Stretch Before and After a Workout? Experts Weigh In

by Universalwellnesssystems

Most of us have been taught from an early age that neglecting to stretch before and after exercise is a cardinal sin. increase.

But is this wisdom backed by science? And do you really need to stretch before and after every exercise? Samantha Smith, PhD, Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery and Rehabilitation.

But experts say the longer answer depends on the type of training you’re doing and your fitness goals.

If you’re going to do an exercise that doesn’t involve a large range of motion, such as jogging for miles at a relatively steady pace, you don’t need to stretch beforehand, said research professor David Boehm of Canada’s Newfound. He holds a PhD in Sports Science from Rand Memorial University. (there are many different types of stretchingbut this story is talking about static stretching, where you hold a muscle in a static position to lengthen it.

In such a case, do a simple warm-up with dynamic movements. Lunges, squats, butt kicks, high knees — Prepare your body properly.

Although some evidence is conflicting, most of the research It also suggests that static stretching may not affect or even hinder performance during strength training. (Power training involves performing movements such as jumps and explosive lifts to increase both speed and strength.)

Dr. Böhm says that strength training that involves big movements like squats and bench presses stretches the muscles in the same way that stretching does. No (or it won’t be a good use of your time). Stretching can also slightly fatigue muscles and tendons, says Boehm, so stretching your quadriceps and glutes before doing a squat, for example, can actually hinder your workout. there is.

Many people stretch before exercise to reduce their risk of injury, but there’s a lot of conflicting evidence on this topic, Dr. Behm said.For example, he and his colleagues 2021 review Static stretching before exercise does not always reduce the risk of injury, but doing it before exercises that require agility and explosive movements such as sprints, jumps, and pivots can increase muscle and tendon damage. decreased.

Eduardo De Souza, associate professor of health sciences and human performance at the University of Tampa, says the ideal preparation for exercise comes in two steps. First, you should warm up with light jogging, jumping rope, or light cycling. “And then we rehearse the moves that come next.”

In other words, it is a dynamic movement that stretches the entire range of motion of the muscles. Think walking lunges or arm circles.

Many people stretch after a workout because they believe it aids recovery and minimizes pain, Dr. Behm said. Dr. Smith added. When it comes to stretching after lifting weights to prevent muscle soreness, for example, “some studies have shown a positive effect and some studies have shown no effect,” she said. Similarly, 2021 reviewthe researchers found no evidence that post-exercise static stretching speeds recovery (or does nothing useful at all). I haven’t seen any evidence that stretching as part is harmful.

another 2021 reviewDr. Behm and his team found that stretching to minimize pain was only effective if there was a consistent stretching routine, separate from other training that was done regularly before starting strenuous exercise. I discovered that These stretches last 30 to 60 seconds per muscle group and should be done by him at least twice a week.

A proper cool-down should be done after a workout, and stretching is one way to do it, as is foam rolling and walking, said Dr. De Souza. However, there isn’t enough research to determine which cool-down method makes you feel your best after a workout.

if you want improve flexibility Stretching different muscle groups for about 30 to 60 seconds each day can help, says Dr. Smith. It can also be beneficial in ways you weren’t aware of before.

According to Dr. Smith, people don’t think of stretching for flexibility as a type of exercise or workout in and of itself, but emphasizing adding another stretching routine to your weekly training plan can improve flexibility. It helps you reach your goals.

Stretching also helps loosen tight muscles. But be careful, Dr. Smith said. If your muscles are tight and painful, you may have an injury and you should consult your healthcare provider before starting any stretches.

Other benefits of regular stretching include improved balance and joint and muscle pain relief, Dr. Behm said.

But instead of focusing on whether or not you stretch, it’s important to look at your physical fitness as a whole, Dr. Smith said. with different types of exercise. Stretching is part of it, but it doesn’t have to be forced if it doesn’t fit your schedule or goals.

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