Home Products Do You Have a Gut Feeling About Your child’s ADHD?

Do You Have a Gut Feeling About Your child’s ADHD?

by Universalwellnesssystems

What your child eats can have a big impact on his ADHD – worth trying!

Chaim had a constant runny nose. Every time I picked him up from soccer practice, I had a tissue waiting for him. Big brown eyes flit in all directions, and in a minute he asks a million questions and never stops long enough to hear the full answer. He had an imaginative idea which he happily shared with his friend’s mom (me 😊). It was troublesome to put him in the seat belt. One day, I had a conversation with his mother and recommended Haim her 30 Day Challenge, a diet for children with ADHD and visible physiological problems (runny nose in his case). . she agreed! The next week, Chaim didn’t need a tissue or runny nose. He was as curious as ever, but he was much calmer. He put on his seatbelt without prompting.3 weeks later his old Chaim got in my car, runny nose, explosive energy and all. “What happened?” I asked. He lowered his eyes sadly and said, “Pesach happened, my diet was too hard.”

Has your child been diagnosed with ADHD and also suffers from an autoimmune disease, frequent colds and streptococci that occur every winter? Does your child have allergies, troublesome rashes or asthma? child’s only food group is ‘cheesy saucy carbs’? Is she sensitive to certain materials, sounds or touches?

What is the relationship between ADHD symptoms and physiological problems?

So many things, according to functional pediatric neurologist and best-selling author Perlmutter, PhD. “Currently, our gut organisms (about 100 trillion bacteria in our bodies and skin) are involved in a variety of functions, including immune system function, detoxification, inflammation, neurotransmitter and vitamin production, and nutrient absorption. There is no denying that it is involved in many physiological effects…these processes greatly influence whether you experience allergies, asthma, ADHD, cancer, diabetes, or dementia.-Dr. David・Pearl Matter, 2015

That is correct! Our gut bacteria are responsible for the production of neurotransmitters that our brain uses for concentration, planning, thinking, and regulation. The same bacteria extract vitamins from our food. Vitamins are necessary for the brain to function well! In other words, if you have a poor gut, you are more likely to experience allergies, asthma, ADHD symptoms, chronic pain and illness. Tired and depressed, it becomes difficult to learn.

If your child is suffering from any of the above physiological problems and is exhibiting difficult behaviors, take a look at her ‘second brain’, the gut.

Follow these three steps to help your child with ADHD achieve optimal focus.

  1. Identify the physiological symptoms your child is suffering from (eg constipation, allergies, runny nose, unbalanced diet, sleep deprivation, moodiness, headaches, stomachaches, infections that often require antibiotics). Write down your symptoms and rate their severity.
  2. There are details.Information about which food to cut and Here’s what to include (explained in detail in my book). For 30 days, you’ll be excluding several major food groups, so be prepared. Take your family to the grocery store and pick out alternatives to gluten, dairy, food coloring, and artificial sweeteners. Try new vegetables or see what fruits are in season. Fresh is best, frozen is better! don’t kill yourself Lots of pre-cut fruit and veg options. We call it fast food. Doing the 30-day challenge together as a family produces better results. If your family needs prep time, start changing your food choices slowly, and when you find a few things everyone wants to eat, start the challenge. Reward yourself and your family by sticking to a focus-enhancing diet by working together, not junk food!
  3. After 30 days (wow!!!), go back to your original symptom checklist. See if it’s improved. If you and your child are more calm, have fewer rashes, fewer tantrums, and have two bowel movements a day, keep at it! She has successfully identified one of the leading causes of her ADHD in children. it’s huge. If you see only partial improvement, consider continuing for another month. If no improvement is seen, slowly reintroduce the eliminated foods while maintaining the added nutritious foods. .

As a mother of an ADHD child, I can personally say that changing habits and eating habits can be difficult! It was also the best thing I did for my family. We hope you and your family deserve a healthy gut and brain.

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