Home Products Do penises shrink with age? Study reveals answer to age-old question

Do penises shrink with age? Study reveals answer to age-old question

by Universalwellnesssystems

Medical experts have finally answered the question that has plagued most men: “Does the penis really get smaller?”

Sure, there are bigger things to worry about in the world, but it seems like men have been obsessing about their masculinity for far too long.

While it is technically impossible to dramatically reduce the size of the penis, it has been found that there are a succession of different factors that can affect a man’s erectile outcome and make it smaller than it was before when performing.

Mary Samplaski, MD, urologist and chief of male infertility at the University of Southern California, warned that a man’s age and lifestyle choices can negatively impact his penis’ ability to maintain a consistent erection.

Medical experts have finally answered the question that has plagued most men: “Does the penis really get smaller?” Studio Romantic – stock.adobe.com

Erection is the medical term that describes the normal engorgement of erectile tissues with blood, sexual arousal, and readiness for sexual activity.

“There’s actually no medical device that can measure penile contractions,” Dr. Samplaski says. Men’s Health.

“What we know is that smoking and aging can decrease testosterone production.”

the study Smoking can damage blood vessels and prevent proper blood flow, which in turn can have a knock-on effect on erections.

Although doctors don’t fully understand the relationship between testosterone and erectile dysfunction, the study This suggests that reduced testosterone may affect erectile strength.

“There’s actually no medical device that can measure penile contractions,” Dr. Samplaski told Men’s Health. Oleg – stock.adobe.com

Dr. Samplaski also said that conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and thyroid problems can also cause changes in erectile function.

Obesity is also a culprit: Fat contains an enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen, which can lead to erectile dysfunction and testicular atrophy, Dr. Samplaski explained.

“Exercise is a natural way of increasing testosterone in men, which is important for the health and well-being of the male functional organs,” she told the magazine.

Oddly enough, it’s also said that “too much” sex can reduce the size of a man’s genitals over time, as excessive sexual activity can lead to injuries and cause the buildup of scar tissue.

But while a decrease in size is possible, medical experts warn that penile atrophy is extremely rare.

this is, Average penis length increased by 24 percent Over the past 30 years.

But while a decrease in size is possible, medical experts warn that penile atrophy is extremely rare. High Quality Stock Art – stock.adobe.com

While this may sound like good news, researchers in a study published last year in the World Journal of Men’s Health warned that this is actually an “alarming” finding.

“The reproductive system is one of the most important parts of human biology, so any global changes in development are concerning,” study author Dr. Michael Eisenberg said in a Stanford University School of Medicine blog. range at that time.

“To see such rapid changes means something big is happening to our bodies.”

This startling data comes from 75 studies conducted on more than 55,000 men between 1992 and 2021, analysing the length of their erect penis.

“Erect penile length has increased, on average, from 4.8 inches (12.1 cm) to 6 inches (15.2 cm) over the past 29 years,” Dr. Eisenberg said.

Further research is needed to confirm the findings and “attribute” the changes.

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