Time Sofindia Last Updated – Aug 23, 2023, 11:00 IST
Has this happened to you?
Are you exhibiting certain behaviors in your current relationships that may have been absorbed from events in your childhood? Do you ever feel like a manipulator or an escapist? Perhaps your experiences growing up shaped who you are today. Scroll down to see what kind of troubles you had as a child that shaped your current relationship.
constant helper
When we see our family care too much in our childhood, or experience it ourselves, we tend to grow up feeling like we need to fix our partner. They take on their partner’s problems and ignore their own. Rescuers intervene because they always attract people who act like victims.
Adults tend to please people in childhood, reacting negatively whenever they say “no” and positively when they act submissive or consenting. Such people find it difficult to express their true feelings just to keep the peace.
This trait emerges when a person experiences immense stress or trauma in childhood and realizes that escaping or dissociating from that reality is a good coping mechanism for them. Even into adulthood, such individuals struggle to cope with emotional distress. They avoid conflicts in relationships and emotionally difficult situations. They can also be prone to addiction and can be dangerous and difficult in any relationship.
Adults who manipulate many things were once children raised in an atmosphere where manipulation had to be used as a mechanism to get work done. These adults struggle with honest communication and tend to manipulate relationships to control situations. This often leads to unhealthy relationships in their relationship.
Adults who grow up in environments where substance abuse or other toxic things are present tend to allow such destructive patterns in their partners all the time.
If adults play victim cards with you every time, act like they’re helpless, or play games of responsibility, they’ve probably been forced to experience invalidation at an early age. .
annoying toy
If the person is always acting like an “acha bachcha” or good boy, then the person is actually having trouble expressing themselves and talking about their needs in relationships. They please others and avoid arguments of any kind, but are afraid to be disappointed. Some adults become like this when in childhood only obedience and a sense of responsibility were valued.
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