Home Nutrition Dietary supplements and protein powders aren’t regulated the same way drugs are — here’s what experts say to watch out for

Dietary supplements and protein powders aren’t regulated the same way drugs are — here’s what experts say to watch out for

by Universalwellnesssystems

emily hemendinger I'm an assistant professor of psychiatry. University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus and katie suleta PhD Medicine and Health Candidate george washington university.

Nutritional supplements are big business. The industry generated approximately $39 billion in revenue in 2022. little regulation or oversighta position that continues to grow.

Marketing of nutritional supplements is so effective that 77% of Americans report feeling like: The supplement industry can be trusted. The idea of ​​taking your health into your own hands is appealing, and supplements are popular among athletes, parents, and people looking to quickly recover from a cold or flu.

A 2024 study found that approximately 1 in 10 adolescents Non-prescription weight loss and weight management productsincluding dietary supplements.

Of note, that systematic review found that the use of nonprescription diet pills for weight management was significantly higher than the use of nonprescription laxatives and diuretics. These unhealthy weight management behaviors Deterioration of both mental and physical health.

as Certified Clinical Social Worker She specializes in treating anxiety and eating disorders. Director of Biomedical Research, we have seen firsthand the harm these supplements do based on unsubstantiated beliefs. The unregulated market for dietary supplements means that consumers can be misled and seriously harmed by these products.

wild west

of food and drug administration It specifies that supplements must contain “nutritional ingredients” such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, enzymes, live microorganisms, concentrates, and extracts.

Unfortunately, manufacturers can claim that their products are supplements even if they do not meet criteria such as: Products containing the drug tianeptine, a highly addictive drug that can mimic the biological effects of opioids. Although some of these products may be labeled as dietary supplements, they are not.

Products containing kratom, a substance with opioid-like effects, are sold over-the-counter at many gas stations. Claims to be an herbal supplement but is mislabeled.

under 1994 Act, Dietary supplements are classified as foods, not medicines. This means that, unlike medicines, dietary supplements do not have to prove their effectiveness.Regulatory authorities also take no action against the product until it turns out to be harmful.

but, The FDA website states: “Many dietary supplements contain ingredients such as: strong biological effects It may conflict with the medications you are taking or any medical conditions you may have. Products containing hidden drugs are sometimes mistakenly sold as dietary supplements, putting consumers at even greater risk. ”

In other words, supplements are regulated as food rather than medicine, even though they can interact with medicines and may be contaminated with hidden drugs not listed on the label.

Manufacturers of dietary supplements can make claims about their products that fall into three categories: health claims, nutritional claims, and claims about product function, structure, or both. All of these do not require you to provide supporting evidence.

Nutraceuticals are riddled with false claims, including false claims such as curing cancer, improving immune health, improving cognitive function, increasing fertility, improving cardiovascular health, and of course promoting weight loss and control. Propaganda and false advertising are rampant.

FDA is cracking down

You can find supplements that claim to be effective for almost any health condition, concern, or goal, so it's no surprise that supplements are marketed for weight loss purposes.

In August 2021, the FDA cracked down on some of these weight loss products due to the presence of undeclared drugs. For example, of the 72 products recalled; The drug sibutramine is sold as Meridia.found in 68 of them.

The FDA may take further action beyond a recall; admitted that it cannot be tested Any weight loss supplements against drug contamination.

Although these crackdowns have shown some progress, several problems remain. Warning label placement, ingredients, and beliefs based on misleading or false advertising remain highly problematic.

Some weight loss supplements may carry FDA warnings. Over time, disclaimers rarely appear on the front of a product label, so consumers are less likely to see them.

Ingredients in weight loss supplements can and do have negative effects. These factors result in people being admitted to emergency rooms with cardiovascular and swallowing problems, including young and seemingly healthy people.

eating disorder

Mental health concerns and eating disorders are on the rise. As a result, researchers are investigating unhealthy weight management behaviors, such as the use of nutritional supplements and how accessible they are to adolescents and children.

People with eating disorders often suffer from associated health problems such as bone loss, osteoporosis, and vitamin deficiencies. Depending on this, your doctor may prescribe nutritional supplements such as calcium, vitamin D, and nutritional supplement shakes. However, these are not dietary supplements of concern.

The concern is that weight lossmuscle building, or both.

People with eating disorders may be attracted to dietary supplements that claim to cause quick and painless weight loss or muscle gain. Additionally, users of dietary supplements may experience an increase in compulsive exercise and other unhealthy weight management behaviors.

The use of diet drugs and supplements is also associated with an increased risk of developing eating disorders and eating disorders, low self-esteem, depression, and eating disorders. substance use. Although nutritional supplements alone do not cause eating disorders or disordered eating, they are a contributing factor It may be addressed through preventive measures and regulations.

The appeal of protein powder and fitness supplements

Protein powders and other fitness supplements also have wide appeal. Studies have shown that girls are at higher risk than boys when using weight loss supplements. However, an increasing problem among boys is the use of fitness supplements such as protein powders and creatine products that provide energy to the muscles.

Using fitness supplements can mean being obsessed with your shape and size. For example, a 2022 study found that intake of protein powder during adolescence was associated with future steroid use in adulthood.

Protein powder claims to build lean muscle, and creatine claims to provide energy for short, intense workouts.

Protein itself is not harmful at recommended doses. However, protein powders may contain unknown ingredients such as certain toxins or extra excess sugar. It can also be dangerous if used in excess or in place of other foods that contain important nutrients.

Although creatine is generally safe for use by adults, it is not recommended for minors as excessive use can cause health problems. After all, the effects of long-term use of these supplements, especially in adolescents, have not been studied.

possible solution

One regulation proposed by Harvard University researchers involves taxing dietary supplements that advertise weight loss benefits on their labels.

Another policy recommendation includes banning the sale of dietary supplements and other weight loss products to protect minors from poorly regulated and potentially dangerous products.

In 2023, New York state successfully passed a law banning the sale of these products to minors, and states such as Colorado, California, and Massachusetts are considering similar measures or Currently under consideration.

Ultimately, medical experts recommend that parents and caregivers encourage children to get their protein and vitamins from whole foods rather than relying on supplements or powders. They also recommend encouraging teens to focus on balanced nutrition, sleep and recovery, and various resistances. strength and conditioning training.

This article is republished from conversation Under Creative Commons License.

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