Home Mental Health Depressed Bartender Shares The Note Her Boss Wrote Her That Made Her Cry

Depressed Bartender Shares The Note Her Boss Wrote Her That Made Her Cry

by Universalwellnesssystems

We all have memorable interactions in our lives. Even after all these years, they still hold a special place in our hearts.

For one woman, a particularly impactful interaction was with her former boss who supported her when she desperately needed it. She was depressed and suffering from anxiety at work, but her boss showed her an unexpected level of kindness, giving her a gift and a touching letter.

A former bartender diagnosed with depression has spoken out about a tearful note her boss wrote her.

TikTok content creator @chief.mazeor Maisie, who bravely shared her story of resilience with her followers.

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“I’m 23 years old, but I was diagnosed with depression at 19,” she began. “The cause of my depression was that I repeated all the bad deeds I had committed in my life, very seriously, in my head. That was all I could think about.”

“Honestly, this might be the best way I can describe it,” she admitted. “It just reminds me in my head of what a disgusting person I was.”

Maisie said this period was extremely difficult for her and she struggled with basic human functions such as showering and looking in the mirror.

“And along with this depression came dissociation,” she continued, explaining that “everything in my life seemed fake.”

Maisie thought she could overcome her mental illness on her own, but she soon learned that she couldn’t. One incident highlighted that in her mind.

This bartender talked about a difficult experience he had while serving customers and how his boss helped him get through it in a meaningful way.

Maisie, a bartender, had a panic attack in a warehouse closet. Her boss unknowingly intervened in her struggle, and Maisie tried to convince him she was okay, but he wanted to help.

Her boss immediately called her into his office to talk.

“I said, ‘I think I’m the worst person. I think I’m the worst person,’ and he listened,” she recalled. “He gave me great advice because I hadn’t explained it to anyone.”

Although she was the only bartender on duty, he told her to go outside and lie on the grass until she felt better. But his help didn’t end there.

Martin Novak | Shutterstock

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“The next day, when I went back to work, he gave me a book. Les Misérables” she said. “He gave me a book and wrote me a note.”

She then read the note to viewers. “Maisie, there are several books that have had a deep impact on me over the years,” he wrote. “This book is the only fiction book in my top five.”

“This work deals with the theme of salvation in a beautiful way,” he said.

“P.S. If you don’t mind, I have a little piece of advice,” he added. “Worry about what you will do, not what will happen to you. Anxiety shuts us down.”

“I’m so grateful for that moment. No amount of money can ever repay me for that act,” Maisie tearfully concluded, adding that thanks to her former boss, she now has ways to help herself and her children. I added that I know through something similar in the future.

Anyone can support someone who is dealing with depression.

This man took the time to truly care for one of his employees, showing kindness and empathy. If you know someone who is depressed, please do the same.

According to the Mayo Clinic“You can’t cure someone’s depression, but your support and understanding can help.”

They recommend being a “willing listener” and “giving positive reinforcement.” These are two things that this boss excelled at.

RELATED: 6 things you can do now to stop depression from making you feel sad forever

Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer for YourTango, covering entertainment, news and relationships topics.

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