Home Mental Health Defense Department signs policy to help service members seek mental health care

Defense Department signs policy to help service members seek mental health care

by Universalwellnesssystems

The Pentagon on Friday signed the Brandon Act aimed at improving how military personnel receive mental health care. Proponents say the process to implement many life-saving policies has been delayed.

At a ceremony at the Department of Defense, Gilbert R. Cisneros Jr., the agency’s undersecretary for personnel and preparedness, promotes mental health assessments and provides a covert channel for military personnel to self-report mental health problems. signed a policy to

The measure is named after Navy Petty Officer Brandon Caserta, 21, who died by suicide in 2018. His parents, Teri and Patrick, were supportive, saying they fulfilled their son’s dying wish to help others.

“This cements his legacy of saving lives forever,” said Patrick.

Caserta was a Navy squadron flight electrician serving in the Helicopter Naval Combat Unit at Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia, before committing suicide. In his suicide note, Caserta blamed the Navy, saying he was constantly being bullied and abused by a toxic commando who refused his requests for mental health services.

“We still have work to do,” said his father.

President Joe Biden signed the Brandon Act into law in December 2021 under the National Defense Authorization Act of 2022.

The Pentagon said it was “working diligently to implement” the policy, but it is unclear when it will roll out across the military.

The agency said the implementation of the policy will take place in two stages. In the first phase, which will take place within 45 days, the service said it would establish procedures for active service members.In the second phase, the service would establish procedures for military personnel not on active duty. .

“Our greatest strength is our people and we are committed to their well-being,” said Cisneros.

The Casertas say the policy will be important in curbing mental health challenges, especially in the Navy. The branch has seen multiple mass suicides with multiple commands since last spring.

Unlike in the civilian world, where mental health care can be sought without the knowledge of their employer, seafarers must notify their superiors and wait for their next appointment with a military medical provider, and this process involves several It could take weeks, some military lawyers say. and a veteran.

The Brandon Act is an essential ‘cultural change’ in reducing suicides in the military and essential to stigmatizing the massively amplified mental health stigma in the military, says a Memphis, Tennessee psychologist. said M. David Rudd, who specializes in military and suicide. Veteran Suicide Prevention.

Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Gilbert Cisneros will sign a policy to implement the Brandon Act at the Pentagon in Washington on Friday. Teri and Patrick Caserta (left) attend the signing ceremony.technology.Sergeant Jack Saunders/DoD

“It’s really nice to see movement in that direction. But at the same time, it’s a reminder of how slow the system is moving,” Rudd said.

According to the Pentagon, 519 military personnel committed suicide in 2021, the latest year for which complete data is available.

Between 2016 and 2020, more than 456,000 active duty military personnel were diagnosed with at least one mental disorder, according to Department of Defense statistics. Quote According to the bipartisan Congressional Research Service. Approximately 64% of diagnoses were due to adjustment disorders, anxiety disorders, and depressive disorders.

If you or someone you know is in danger, call 988 and contact the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Also call the network formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255, text HOME to 741741, or visit SpeakingOfSuicide.com/resources for additional resources can also do.

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