Home Medicine Dear Doctor: Should powerful drugs like Fosamax be prescribed to patients with low bone mass?

Dear Doctor: Should powerful drugs like Fosamax be prescribed to patients with low bone mass?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Dear Dr. Roach: I am an overweight, 65-year-old Caucasian woman who recently had a DEXA scan and, based on the results, my family doctor prescribed Fosamax to treat osteopenia.

With the first dose, I had a severe reaction two days after taking it, with excruciating pain in both arms, neck and legs. I was in terrible pain for two days, then it subsided. With the next dose a week later, I hesitated, but decided to take it anyway. Two days later, the reaction came back, even worse. I could barely walk and had very little energy. I spent four days in bed, except to go to the bathroom. I didn’t take my prescription for Lasix during those four days because I could barely make it to the bathroom.

I contacted my doctor and he has taken me off Fosamax. He has referred me to a rheumatologist. I read that this drug lists all my symptoms and more under the warning for severe reactions. I will not be taking it anymore. I also heard from a friend that this drug has no effect on osteoporosis after 20+ years of drug testing and that I should never have been prescribed this drug since I have osteopenia, not osteoporosis. What do you think? — CW

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