Home Medicine Dear Doctor: Is there a risk in using acetaminophen indefinitely to manage chronic knee pain?

Dear Doctor: Is there a risk in using acetaminophen indefinitely to manage chronic knee pain?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Dear Dr. Roach: I am a 73-year-old man who was recently diagnosed with moderate to severe arthritis in my right knee. I’m trying to find a healthy way to manage my chronic knee pain. Are there any risks to long-term use of acetaminophen? I take anticoagulants (apixaban 5mg daily) and do not take NSAID painkillers. I would like to take two 500 mg tablets of acetaminophen, once or twice a day. –PD

Answer: There is at least one long-term risk that I am aware of from long-term use of acetaminophen (Tylenol), and that is kidney disease. Some studies have shown that long-term use of acetaminophen increases the risk of chronic kidney disease. It is estimated that to double your risk of chronic kidney disease, you would need to consume 2-4 kg of acetaminophen over your lifetime, which is approximately 5,000 tablets, or approximately 4 tablets per day for 8 years. will be ingested. Other studies have not shown significant kidney effects from long-term use of acetaminophen.

One of the symptoms associated with daily painkiller use is called “medication overuse headache.” This is a headache that usually occurs every day (at least 15 times a month) and occurs when a person who is already prone to headaches (particularly migraines) takes some type of pain reliever, whether over-the-counter or prescription, on a regular basis. Occurs when Headaches usually stop when the drug is stopped. This condition is most common with opiates and drugs containing barbiturates, especially Fiorinal and Fioricet.

In my opinion, people who use painkillers daily should have their kidney function tested at least once a year.

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