Dear Annie: I need help, but I have a brother -in -law who doesn’t know where to go. He is a deceased person. The house where he lived was his parents, but now is full of junk, and he does nothing to keep it clean. He buys several items and his garage is overflowing, so new items are left in the outside box.
He was doing a good job, but he was retired, and he had no financial advisor to support his investment. He did not trust the stock market, but now he has the 500INSAVINGSANDISLISLISLIGONAPPROXINATELY500InsavingsandisLiving is closeSocial security of 1,800 people per month. He has four vehicles. None of them are executed, he cannot find their title.
He is a veteran, but cannot find the necessary papers to get the help from VA. He had recently paid it because he received an Erikis prescription and had $ 500 to pay for the drug. My wife wakes up in the middle of the night and is worried about what will happen to him, so I can’t sleep.
Who can you talk to, or where can you ask for help?
-The surveillance for brothers -in -law
Dear storage for brothers -in -law:
It is important to recognize that you are a mental illness, not caused by lazy or poor hygiene, but is closely related to obsessive -compulsive disorder.
The National Alliance of Mental Insiol is a list of various resources for people who are suffering from stocking, such as the HOARDING CLEANUP, a national directory of the international OCD Foundation and the nationwide cleanup service. Access their website or call on 1-800-462-7337.
You also need to contact the local retirement office. Without his documents, they should be able to track his military record and collect profits given rights. VA also offers mental health services. This helps to treat your brother -in -law.
Dear Annie: I wrote according to a woman who said she was “boring and lonely”. Science indicates that they tend to be connected when couples have adventures together. Therefore, one of the options for “boring and lonely” is to take a new exciting sport (such as traveling with the purpose of rough water water kayaks and volunteers) with your husband. Do not end this relationship. Diversity, excitement, and dating shots may be the drugs that correct “boring and lonely”.
-Be grab a chance
Get a dear chance: You are right! Studies indicate that the emotions of “emotional awakening” -Moving, exercise, and even the consequences of fear of physiological activities -enhancing emotional intimacy can be enhanced. Certainly worth a shot.
“How do I forgive my partner for wrongdoing?” The second anthology of Annie Lane -features a favorite column of marriage, affair, communication, and reconciliation as a paperback and e -book. visit For details. Please send a question about Annie Lane。
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